NVIDIA's New Logo

Personally I think they should have used Comic Sans. :)

More seriously, I don't think the new logo is worse than the old one. The old logo suffered from one of the sins of all sins of typography: mixing italics and roman in the same word. Combine that with the bastard-arse reverse capitalisation / camel caps nonsense and it was a real dogs breakfast. nVIDIA. Bleugh. The new one at least looks semi-professional, not like it was designed by a couple of 12-year-olds who'd just got their first DTP program (though the choice of font is somewhat unfortunate).

I wonder how much they paid the strategy boutique for this piece of marketing and design genius? Usually these places charge millions of dollars to change the font in your logo. Sometimes I wish I'd persued a different career path!
I love you guys, simply because you all care enough about pixels to give even a passing crap about NVIDIA's logo. The rest of the world cares not :mrgreen:
Summer? What's that?
Wow, 1A design. I like it a lot. Actually it's much better than current one.
Font looks very high tech and metal design gives it even more techy look.
Sweet :)


Winter = November - February
Spring = March - May
Summer = June - August
Autumn (or Fall) = September - October

Now it's the Summer time (since it's still August), this it's slow summer week ;). Hope it helps ;)
Hehe, feels like mid-november here right now. Two weeks ago we had up to 40°C for weeks and now it's been raining for two weeks and it's COLD! (some 15°C). Feels like southern England kinda :p

EDIT: and btw, winter begins mid-december :)
-1C this morning, definitely not summer round here :cry:

No particular comment on the new logo other than that I bet they paid some consultancy firm LOTS of $$$ for it :???:
Yeah it was raining for like one week non stop around here. It felt like in the middle of april. But today it was better. Lots of sun, a bit windy but not too muc :)
Its nvidia now.

But the "n" is still lower-case, and the rest of the letters capitalized (even though they're the same size). So it should really be nVIDIA (which was the exact same as before, only people spelled it as "nVidia.")

Right? :???: :mad:
But the "n" is still lower-case, and the rest of the letters capitalized (even though they're the same size). So it should really be nVIDIA (which was the exact same as before, only people spelled it as "nVidia.")

Right? :???: :mad:

i think you mean nVIDIA
This reminds me of when ATI changed their logo, everyone (including myself) hated the new one but it grew on me. Now when I look at the old one I think it kind of sucks compared to the current one.

This new NV one is much cleaner than the old one. I like it.
In my purely subjective opinion, it's godawful. Not because of the color scheme, which is better than the old one, but because of the font. That's just... bad. It looks slightly better on the TWIMTBP logo, though. See www.nvidia.com for a complete lack of any mention whatsoever of this sudden change.


And the old one, for reference's sake, sorry only spot I could still find it on their website - TWIMTBP image from wikipedia:


Looks like the new one was done on a smaller process and therefore the margins will be larger ... on both left and right :D
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This reminds me of when ATI changed their logo, everyone (including myself) hated the new one but it grew on me. Now when I look at the old one I think it kind of sucks compared to the current one.

This new NV one is much cleaner than the old one. I like it.

Nvidia's logo is 3D. ATI's is 2D.