All they are looking for is to get a butload of people who write in ATi hate mail and how bad they suck and why it caused them to Switch to Nvidia. Then they are going to post that crap all over the place.
If these people write in "l33t speak", then I almost wish they do that... I can't imagine what analysts would have to say if Nvidia made a Press Release about what their l33t f4nBas3 has to say...
"BUt teH R4d30n si d4 sUx0rZ !!! It si t3h 3v1l aNd iT bl3w uP mY m0niToR !!! AnD d4 Cat4lSyt drIv3rZ 3.8 dey sUx t00 and mY 0vArcl0cKeD Rad3oN meLt3D mY PC afTeR iNst4lLing Dem !!!"