
Rock Star
I wonder if Nvidia thinks this worked for Apple.


Best Switch Story Category – Were you once a loyal customer of a competitor but since wised up and made the switch? Are you now a satisfied customer and wonder why you ever bothered with anything other than an NVIDIA-based graphics card? If this sounds like you, submit a photo of yourself and an essay describing what your experience was like before and after you made the switch to NVIDIA. Winners will be chosen based on the following criteria: (60%) originality/creativity, (20%) "fit" with the overall theme, and (20%) on how well you articulated the story. Limit one photo – minimum resolution 600x600, file size maximum limit 1MB. Essay maximum characters 3000 with spaces.

I think I will start writing mine now.

I was using a mach64 and it didn't have 3d graphics so I bought a TNT and then a Geforce 3. But wait then ATI came out with the 9800 which blew the freaking hell out of my Geforce 3 and every other Geforce...

hmmm wonder if I would still get the Best Buy coupons?
why must they use the term l33t... why, God, why...

I would go send off angry emails, but for now, I'm content to simply cry myself to sleep.
<shudders> It just scares me to see any major companies getting "on board" with that term. L33T makes me weep for the future of humanity.
cthellis42 said:
<shudders> It just scares me to see any major companies getting "on board" with that term. L33T makes me weep for the future of humanity.

You know, George Orwell once said that banalities in a language is the sign of a corrupt society. Funny that such parallels can be drawn to multi-national corporations.
rwolf said:
I was using a mach64 and it didn't have 3d graphics so I bought a TNT and then a Geforce 3.

Sounds similar to my story. I had a Rage II+ and then Rage Pro (two -- I upgraded my XPERT 98 to XPERT@Play 98 for the TV output). I had to use software rendering when developing my thesis, because the Rage Pro's OpenGL drivers were crappy beyond belief. Then I got a GeForce and suddenly I was able to do real 3D. Then I upgraded to a GeForce3, which I still use (until I get my compeition prize).
Write the 3000 word essay and use this 1337 translator to convert it for you :D http://ssshotaru.homestead.com/files/aolertranslator.html

Though contest, and i thought the contest for the FX5700U at driverheaven was hard (didn't enter, couldn't think of anything)

FOR immedIAtE release :

In AN INDUSTrY-seCOnd moVE, nviDiA cOrporAtIOn ANnOunCED THe LAUNCH Of ITS "l33t sWitch" pRoGram. "afteR HavING A LoOK AT ThIS New INteRnet THInGiE, wE ReALIZed That NvidIA hAD an enoRmoUS faN PotENtial WIth illiteRAte PrE-puBErTY kiDS wHO belieVe ThEy ArE CoOL bECaUSe tHEY cAn't sPELL BuT KnoW hOw TO DownLOAD cOUNTERstRiKE HaCKS." sAyS briAN buRKE, Pr mANAger at nVIDIA. "AnD SinCE oUr foRcEwARE drIVErS Are mOStLy A laRGe CoLlecTiON oF HAcks sTuck ToGEtHER, it Is ObvIOus thAt, uNLIke tHe COmpetItion, NVidia Is onCE agAIN veRY mUCH IN phaSE WITh ItS cUstOmER bASe."

The "eLITE sWItch" pROgrAM WIll bE a BOon fOR nviDiA'S 103 243 203 420 354 230 324 675 464 306 901 635 044 061 624 068 574 615 246 697 421 806 546 321 056 741 203 765 120 698 974 351 328 768 130 304 684 031 637 407 604 654 069 971 030 468 906 464 980 640 304 681 cuStomERS. nVidiA EXPecTs tO REleASE eLiTe T-shirtS That the tRUE fans WIll Wear aS BADgeS oF hoNOr.

After leet h4x0rz, Nvidia expects to find another untapped customer base with a marketing program aimed at Britney Spear's fans, during which GFFX cards will be released with coupons for the pop-artist's latest CDs. As Brian Burke says regarding this bold program : "Well this partnership makes sense, as it's no secret that we at Nvidia are number one for BS !"

Nvidia is a global cheater and driver h4x0riZ3r in the communication age, and or goal is to deface every pixel on the planet.
The Baron said:
why must they use the term l33t... why, God, why...

I would go send off angry emails, but for now, I'm content to simply cry myself to sleep.

I know at least one person who has worked at NVIDIA and which seems to love the "l33t" term, too.
I suspect it might be sometype of strange cultural heritage, possibly mostly in their writer teams though.

Uttar said:
I know at least one person who has worked at NVIDIA and which seems to love the "l33t" term, too.
I suspect it might be sometype of strange cultural heritage, possibly mostly in their writer teams though.
That's it, I'm going to have to get some sort of internship at NVIDIA so I can find the man responsible for this travesty and beat him to death. ;)
It said 3000 character essay, ie 3000 letter, not 3000 words. However, that's still too long.
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