NVIDIA may announce NV 40 tomorrow

Uttar said:
Plus, I still need to do the GPU:RW 3.0. script. Pretty darn ambitious one at that. If you think GPU:RW 2.0. was nifty, which it wasn't IMO anyway, you ain't seen anything yet.
I won't be administrating GPU:RW 3.0. - Volt will. The idea is a multi-user system though, so there CAN be contributors - evantually people like Fudo should have access to the script and be able to add their own stories. The reliability system is vote-based.

I'm glad to hear GPU:RW is coming back! I can't wait!
I was pretty impressed with the Are You Ready campaign, it was some Grade A marketing which was in a way let down by the product that it was trying to sell.

I think Nvidia's PR department is great at marketing, it's just a shame that it seems to be doing more than just that nowadays.
Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
Personally I doubt they'll announce anything that isn't almost ready to ship, given what a fiasco they had at the same time last year with NV30.
I seem to remember an official announcement after the NV30 debacle that they would not announce a product unless it was ready to be shipped within a short timeframe (I think 30 days? Not sure as to the specifics).
I was going to remind everyone of what Chalnoth just said. I'm not expecting NV40 public hyping for a couple of months yet. Maybe around Half-Life 2's launch. :)
Chalnoth said:
I seem to remember an official announcement after the NV30 debacle that they would not announce a product unless it was ready to be shipped within a short timeframe (I think 30 days? Not sure as to the specifics).

And then they say there's nothing interesting in ULE *sigh* ;)

ATI promised the world that they won't announce a product unless it's 30 days or less from retail. NVIDIA now has a non-public but enforced policy: never "launch" a product unless 10,000 units are available from production (not eng samples).

Get this- Dell wants to put NV36M (mobile) into the PC Magazine Issue 21 (End of October). NVIDIA is refusing. NVIDIA is apparently willing to lose 100% of Dell's Christmas mobile business to ATI M10 rather than let Dell announce a NV36 device before there are 10,000 units in production. (expected to be mid November)

Uttar said:
Plus, I still need to do the GPU:RW 3.0. script. Pretty darn ambitious one at that. If you think GPU:RW 2.0. was nifty, which it wasn't IMO anyway, you ain't seen anything yet.
I won't be administrating GPU:RW 3.0. - Volt will. The idea is a multi-user system though, so there CAN be contributors - evantually people like Fudo should have access to the script and be able to add their own stories. The reliability system is vote-based.

Few coding has been done yet though :p

Definitely this week's best news! 8)
BTW, NVIDIA still loves GPU:RW as much as they ever did ;)
I proposed them ( = BB ) to give commenting abilities ( as all contributors to the script, although their comments would be highlighted if they wish so ) on all things posted at GPU:RW. They would of course not be forced to do so.

Their response is they don't comment on future products :LOL:
Hey, it's their choice - I find it a bad decision because this type of ability would make them capable of quickly dismissing anti-NV rumors - but of course, if they don't do so in a very logical or professionnal way, it could be negative for them. But that'd be their fault - if they used it correctly and just from time to time, I'm convinced it could have been a nice feature.

The real reason I was intrigued by whether they'd accept is they actually told a few times they're gonna do a similar thing, as did Derek Perez a few months ago at Driver Heaven:
Derek: I think you’ll see a couple of things. First of all – we’ve always monitored the community and listened to what they said – but very rarely have we communicated directly with them. So you’ll see more NV people participating in public forums – answering questions and laying to rest rumors and speculation. Also – you’ll see us sponsor more LAN parties, Gamefest, and so on. Doing tutorials, give-aways, sponsorships and more.

They got as little community interaction today as they had before. And this refusal, while very justifiable IMO, is yet another great example of how much they're really bluffing, sometimes even speaking 100% for themselves, and not for the company.

Uttar said:
( okay, so that was because I had few clues about GPUs back then - learned a lot since. But eh! )

I have to say this impressed me a lot. When you first came to these boards, you just seemed to be someone who read some stuff about GPUs but never really understood them, and tried to act smarter than you really were.

Boy was I wrong! You quickly taught your way to being one of the most knowledgeable and respected members of any forum. As you start your exit from the 3D graphics community, you will slowly be missed by all.

I guess I should have said this in your farewell thread, but better late than never!
Mintmaster said:
When you first came to these boards, you just seemed to be someone who read some stuff about GPUs but never really understood them, and tried to act smarter than you really were.
I actually had that feeling all the time. I mean, not to diss Uttar's work as a rumor machine, which I very much appreciate(d), but whenever he started to talk tech, a certain rumbling was noted in my stomach.

But then again, what do I know about GPUs? Nothing.


rwolf said:
Uttar said:
I don't think the NV40 is what Dave thinks it is - but I could be wrong, of course :)

You mean the fact that it is a sound card and not a GPU. :LOL:

Exactly! How did you guess that, anyway? :?
Actually, it IS a GPU, but the added 25M transistors in August/September added audio and network capabilities.
It's NVIDIA's way to say to Intel: "Hey, we don't need a license to sell this stuff on your system in a non-standalone way, you know!"

( if you quote me on that, you're an idiot :p )

incurable said:
But then again, what do I know about GPUs? Nothing.
This explains that 8)
Seriously though, I admit that until recently, I had quite a lot of technical misconceptions. And I most likely still got quite a few. That pipeline article was a prime example of pure technical BS, one that even Kyle couldn't have managed ;)

Uttar said:
The real reason I was intrigued by whether they'd accept is they actually told a few times they're gonna do a similar thing, as did Derek Perez a few months ago at Driver Heaven:
Derek: I think you’ll see a couple of things. First of all – we’ve always monitored the community and listened to what they said – but very rarely have we communicated directly with them. So you’ll see more NV people participating in public forums – answering questions and laying to rest rumors and speculation. Also – you’ll see us sponsor more LAN parties, Gamefest, and so on. Doing tutorials, give-aways, sponsorships and more.

They got as little community interaction today as they had before. And this refusal, while very justifiable IMO, is yet another great example of how much they're really bluffing, sometimes even speaking 100% for themselves, and not for the company.
Yeah, I remember that lie too. :rolleyes:

I don't think nVidia can participate in the community until they quit making themselves so uncredible and despised in the community...which they just don't seem to care to do. :(
digitalwanderer said:
I don't think nVidia can participate in the community until they quit making themselves so uncredible and despised in the community...which they just don't seem to care to do. :(

Yep, and I just don't get their logic.
They should either not tell they're gonna do that, or say it and do it; refusing to do it afterwards just damages their reputation further.

Megadrive1988 said:
hey I am only doubling the transistor count, which has been happening from
R100-to-R200-to-R300 and from GF2-to-GF3/4-to-GFFX :)

If hardware would only be that simple. Why not just multiply all other specifications times 2x then?

I have severe doubts that in order to keep the cost at reasonable levels, pushing beyond 200M@13nm is currently even feasable; let alone that it's actually necessary.