Nvidia has 88% of the SM3 market


...according to Valve Survey Summary. Overall Ati has 40% of the share and Nvidia 50%.

I suppose this (Valve's survey) represents current market quite well.

(hopefully this is the right forum for this thread)
I am glad that the market overall is almost split competition is good. I am sure once ati gets out that RV570 they will pick up market share in the SM3. Also ati does not have 1 good card that is SM 3.0 and AGP like NVIDIA does.
How did you get to that number? X1800 has 1.07%, X1600 has 1.04%, X1900 has 0.75% and X1300 has 0.78% (what a successful low-end part! [/sarcasm]). That's not even 4%!
These are always fun to look at.
The 2 processor % will be fun to watch over the next couple of years.
I am really surprised at how popular the 7800 series is in this survey.

According to this survey the 7800 series is outselling the X1800 + X1900 8.5:1
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These numbers aren't really that surprising. Nvidia has a huge mindshare advantage in the community (please no AEG jokes :D ). Add that to ATi's inability to do anything worthwhile in the midrange segment since 9500 pro and this is where it leads.
Problably be better served in 3D Graphics Companies and Industry since this has really very little to do with physical cards or drivers. Thread may spin off easily as well since there is such a broad spectrum of hardware that can be discussed, reason why its already posted in the general hardware discusion ;).

Maintank said:
These are always fun to look at.
The 2 processor % will be fun to watch over the next couple of years.
I am really surprised at how popular the 7800 series is in this survey.

According to this survey the 7800 series is outselling the X1800 + X1900 8.5:1

what do you expect from a 6 month launch lead that Nvidia held over the X1800. People hate waiting. X1900 isnt fairing much better though its quite new, but i dont expect it to move far at all mostly due to vista's inpending launch. Past is over and done with though, not going to delve back into ATI's mistakes over the last year.
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IbaneZ said:
Surprised to see the X1800 series at ~1%! Why didn't it sell better? The GF 7800 kicked it's butt. :???:
How about the fact it was really only on sale for 3 months? And before it was released, NVidia got 100% of the high end market, who were itching to upgrade for over a year.

I think the biggest reason is that the X1800XL never competed well with the 7800GT, since it was a bigger drop from the highest model and cost more too (by a lot). That where the volume is.
What surprises me the most in this survey is that way more people have 1.5 GiB of RAM than 1 GiB of RAM. Or that 16" screens are the most popular :D
And what scares me is that there are far more 60Hz users than LCD owners.

Why didn't they take the secondary display resolution instead of adding together the multi-monitor resolutions?
Xmas said:
And what scares me is that there are far more 60Hz users than LCD owners.

I suppose this indicates clearly why so many people don't really consider the lower-quality filtering or lower-performing anti-aliasing of the NVidia chips particularly relevant in comparison to the newer ATI chips. If you're happy with your flickering monitor why should you care about what's on the screen itself - you'll have a headache already! ;)
These are counter strike players who have historically in the past dont have the newest hardware...look at the precentage of SLI systems.... and which cards have the largest share of this then see if this is any big suprise..
Look at thier CPU's they use, they aren't using older CPU's, they are using one generation behind graphics cards, but when they upgrade thier cpu's or systems with more powerful cpu's what cards are they getting? They seem to be one genreation behind cpu wise, their upgrade cycles coincide with market cycles.
jb said:
These are counter strike players who have historically in the past dont have the newest hardware...look at the precentage of SLI systems.... and which cards have the largest share of this then see if this is any big suprise..
Yeh was going to say that as I did the survey last night and I know a lot of people on the servers I play with are far from having top of the range equipment... one of the reasons why they play CS. However my x2 3800 was picked up as being @ 800mhz, which it was at the time since I use CrystalCPUID, but still wrong.
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IbaneZ said:
Surprised to see the X1800 series at ~1%! Why didn't it sell better? The GF 7800 kicked it's butt. :???:

The X1800 was late, so obviously the 7800 series sold more. Common sense...

Overall, the X1800XT is faster than the 7800GTX. It was just too late, and the 7800GT sold even more.
fallguy said:
The X1800 was late, so obviously the 7800 series sold more. Common sense...

Overall, the X1800XT is faster than the 7800GTX. It was just too late, and the 7800GT sold even more.

Late and superceded by the X1900XTX.
Razor1 said:
Look at thier CPU's they use, they aren't using older CPU's, they are using one generation behind graphics cards, but when they upgrade thier cpu's or systems with more powerful cpu's what cards are they getting? They seem to be one genreation behind cpu wise, their upgrade cycles coincide with market cycles.

I bet most of the people just buy a Dell and are happy with it and whatever GPU came with it.