Nvidia has 88% of the SM3 market

IbaneZ said:
Surprised to see the X1800 series at ~1%! Why didn't it sell better? The GF 7800 kicked it's butt. :???:

I think it's rather that the people don't play much HL2 these days. And those who do don't really bother re-doing the survey which they already did last year as they still had their old cards.
frankly due to the fact, that NV had SM3 parts for allmost 2 years, has the only SM3.0 AGP parts on the market(excluding X1600pro) i was expecting them to have 90-95%.
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_xxx_ said:
I think it's rather that the people don't play much HL2 these days. And those who do don't really bother re-doing the survey which they already did last year as they still had their old cards.

Still CS and CS:S are most popular online shooters so you can't say that people don't play HL2 these days :)
Miksu said:
Still CS and CS:S are most popular online shooters so you can't say that people don't play HL2 these days :)

What I meant is rather "new people" :)

Everyone bought the game(s) last year and did the survey back then, if at all (I haven't for example) but I doubt that many people bother doing the survey again after they bought a new card.
Also a lot of CS:Source seems to be CPU limted these days as well.

But at ever local lan I go I can count the number of users with updated fast video cards on on hand. Just for they folks they pretty much only play CS:Soruce and dont care or dont have the money to upgrade...and yet they still hand me my hat in games..grrrrr :)
DOGMA1138 said:
frankly due to the fact, that NV had SM3 parts for allmost 2 years, has the only SM3.0 AGP parts on the market(excluding X1600pro) i was expecting them to have 90-95%.

It is ~95%

6600 43.89
6800 25.26
7800 15.29
6200 7.38
6610XL .99
Go 6800 .77
6100 .7
6700XL .6

Total 94.88%
fallguy said:
The X1800 was late, so obviously the 7800 series sold more. Common sense...

Overall, the X1800XT is faster than the 7800GTX. It was just too late, and the 7800GT sold even more.


It's been out 6 damn months now, and if it's such a good card the gamers would have bought it. They didn't.

The X1900 series looks good though. But the super duper highend won't bring in the money. RV570, where the hell are you? :smile:
Pffft! Fellows, fellas...there ain't no need to fight over it!

SM3.0 is a gimmick anyways, remember?

/me runs from the thread!!!!
_xxx_ said:
Everyone bought the game(s) last year and did the survey back then, if at all (I haven't for example) but I doubt that many people bother doing the survey again after they bought a new card.
That was a different survey of course. I never got prompted for this new one (which started on March 3), so perhaps it's automated?
I was just prompted for this a night or two ago. I see it's an ongoing collection, as last night there were 133k NV and 105k ATI cards, and tonight it's up to 163k and 129k. IIRC, last night the 6600 was first, followed by the 9600, 9800, and X800; tonight, the 6600 is followed by the 5200, 6800, 9800, and X800.

Fodder, they may just ask you yet--don't lose hope! :)
IbaneZ said:

It's been out 6 damn months now, and if it's such a good card the gamers would have bought it. They didn't.

Again HL2/CS Source players usally dont buy these high end cards...think lower :)
IbaneZ said:

It's been out 6 damn months now, and if it's such a good card the gamers would have bought it. They didn't.

Considering how much money nvidia pumps into their marketing department is this really surprising? As trini mentioned, nvidia could sell ice to eskimos. Have you looked at random forums lately? Nvidia approval in polls show something like 70%.

Doesn't change the fact that the X1800 is the better piece of hardware though.
NVIDIA also offer resellers incentives .

I know someone is going to argue with me about this but when an equivalent NVIDIA board is offered to a reseller at a lower price and higher margin for the reseller and then incentives on top of that - for the reseller it is a no brainer. Resellers do have a lot of power to influence sales as well on people that are unsure of what to purchase and even sway those that wanted to go ATI.

It is pretty hard to fight this and I speak from experience. At the end of the day money talks.
Fodder said:
That was a different survey of course. I never got prompted for this new one (which started on March 3), so perhaps it's automated?

Well I got prompted but didn't make an effort to do it...
Tahir2 said:
NVIDIA also offer resellers incentives .

I know someone is going to argue with me about this but when an equivalent NVIDIA board is offered to a reseller at a lower price and higher margin for the reseller and then incentives on top of that - for the reseller it is a no brainer. Resellers do have a lot of power to influence sales as well on people that are unsure of what to purchase and even sway those that wanted to go ATI.

It is pretty hard to fight this and I speak from experience. At the end of the day money talks.

I think the user who are in the know will buy what they want regardles of what salespeople say. Those who are not in the know will never notice the differences in HQ AF anyway, let alone know what dynamic branching does. And one look at the usual benchmarks also won't tell them anything special, so they'll go either for their preferred brand or the cheaper part.
IbaneZ said:
They bought the 7800 series though. So what's your point? :smile:

yea but those have been out much longer... And I am betting most of those are from pre-bundled systems which NV locked up thanks to the delays in the R520. Again typical CS players dont go out and spend that ammount of cash for the video cards. Now if say this was Monolith and they had such a survey on FEAR, I would expect it to be just the opposite where many more users had new higher end cards....
jb said:
yea but those have been out much longer... And I am betting most of those are from pre-bundled systems which NV locked up thanks to the delays in the R520.

People just bought what was the fastest at the moment, which was the G70 in absence of any competition for a few months.

Again typical CS players dont go out and spend that ammount of cash for the video cards.

No, they go out and spend it on more interesting social activities like, err, mmh, buying the latest and greatest video cards? ;)