Nvidia does have aureal tech and engineers I have proof

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In early 2000 NVIDIA acquired virtually the whole patent portfolio as well as hired development staff from Aureal – a well-known maker of audio solutions from the late nineties – that was not successful, but invented a number of impressive audio technologies. As a result, NVIDIA has been about to enter a new market for itself for some time now, at least, the company has had everything that is required for this: reputation, strong team of developers and a successful marketing team
oh yea btw In early 2000 NVIDIA acquired virtually the whole patent portfolio as well as hired development staff from Aureal – a well-known maker of audio solutions from the late nineties – that was not successful, but invented a number of impressive audio technologies. As a result, NVIDIA has been about to enter a new market for itself for some time now, at least, the company has had everything that is required for this: reputation, strong team of developers and a successful marketing team.
Nyo_S23 said:
oh yea btw In early 2000 NVIDIA acquired virtually the whole patent portfolio as well as hired development staff from Aureal – a well-known maker of audio solutions from the late nineties – that was not successful, but invented a number of impressive audio technologies. As a result, NVIDIA has been about to enter a new market for itself for some time now, at least, the company has had everything that is required for this: reputation, strong team of developers and a successful marketing team.

You are quoting a website that has their info incorrect. Bolding the text doesn't mean it's true.

Before your case of foot-in-mouth gets any worse:








Some people are stupid. Other people are stupid to the point of idiocy. Other people are functionally brain-dead. And then... then there's Diggy. Nyo is just somewhere between 2 and 3.
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