NVIDIA and INTEL a winning combination....

Just spotted this on a norwegian site...

From nvidia's site said:
Graphics continues to be a key differentiator for personal computers, and NVIDIA’s close alignment with Intel affords us the opportunity to share our knowledge of the graphics industry with their top channel partners.

It would seem that nvidia has gotten a very good tone with Intel lately, to the point where they've created a slogan together.

More here

Anyone with any insight as to why this has come aboue and how much it'll mean in the times ahead (wrt nvidia vs ati)?

Original story (in norwegian only)
BTW rainz if intel really takes their head out of the sand and goes to multi core pentium mobile chips for the desktop I think we will all be surprised by how fast they will be able to process data...In other words it may become a fight worth something again...
Heh...;) Please guys, when you see PR fluff like this, which talks about nVidia and Intel sitting in the back seat of a car and making out, or making moon eyes at each other across a crowded room, you should always understand such "information" to be nothing more than Public Relations material designed to help raise the public profile of a company in the minds of the technically unsophisticated. In this case, since obviously the public profile of Intel is far more significant than nVidia's, I think that nVidia's trying to gain brownie points with its public (and investors) by associating itself with Intel in this kind of "image enhancing" PR campaign. Ever known people who believe that if only they hang around rich and successful people that eventually some of that (whatever it may be) will "rub off" on them? Well, this is the corporate PR version of that strange belief...;)

The thing is that there doesn't seem to be any technical information or event involved here at all that I can see, and Intel has similar "close relationships" with scores of technology companies, both of low and high public profiles. The difference here seems only that nVidia is spinning a PR campaign from the normal cooperative relationship it has had with Intel for years, like many other companies.

Now, if they had announced an Intel-nVidia cross-licensing agreement, or they were announcing joint product-development initiatives of a *specific* nature, or anything similar, then certainly there'd be something of substance beyond the "We love Intel and Intel loves us" song and dance. As such, this seems to be little more than nVidia PR people trying to figure out new ways to keep their jobs...;)
Hmmm...well, if this was more than PR fluff...... just where are the Intel Nforce motherboards....... ;)
yet ati makes chipsets for intel cpus and intel uses ati tech for their own chipsets as well, right?
fallguy said:
All I know, is nVidia only makes a chipset for one CPU maker. And Intel aint it.
Doesn't nV provide the MB (or at least the chips) for Xbox?
Sxotty said:
BTW rainz if intel really takes their head out of the sand and goes to multi core pentium mobile chips for the desktop I think we will all be surprised by how fast they will be able to process data...In other words it may become a fight worth something again...

Next generation of CPU both from Intel and AMD 64 will be multi-core.

Sxotty said:
BTW rainz if intel really takes their head out of the sand and goes to multi core pentium mobile chips for the desktop I think we will all be surprised by how fast they will be able to process data...In other words it may become a fight worth something again...

As I hinted months earlier, AMD stated weeks ago its upcoming multi-core architecture - well before Intel.

Intel just screwed up everything recently (IA64, Prescott, and now Tejas) - there's no way out without multicore Dothans.

Edit: typos
Bjorn said:
I don't understand, why would Intel want to use something as unstable and unreliable as cards using Nvidias bridge chip when launching their PCI Express platform ? :)

Well they are using them for testing, might as well test the worst case. ;)