DuckThor Evil
That's good news. I don't have the glasses currently and I have the VG278HE model, but I'll be switching back to integrated model as it should be cheaper for me to get the 3Dvision that way. I have a reference 780Ti and it should be enough, but man I need to change the cooler on that thing. It barely hangs on with stock settings (not really if one has gotten used to good 3rd party coolers...)but it basically fells apart when overclocked with little extra voltage.
I've been watching some 3D movies with my projector and kind of got excited about 3D again. Last time I had the 3D vision, I didn't really play any games...
That list you just posted looks pretty good! 
I have the monitor setup perfectly on my couch.
I've been watching some 3D movies with my projector and kind of got excited about 3D again. Last time I had the 3D vision, I didn't really play any games...
I have the monitor setup perfectly on my couch.