Don't forget that the PS3 will be selling for a very long time.
That's why I caution those who say the Wii 'won' this generation to hold back on their declarations, because the PS3 (and the 360) are devices that probably have legs 5 years longer than their Nintendo counterpart.
..just something to keep in mind when declaring 'winners' or when clamoring for 'price cuts' on certain consoles.
Um, what are you basing this on?
Why would the PS3 be selling for a very long time and the X360 and Wii not?
The Wii is making nintendo insane amount of money, the X360 is starting to become profitable and the PS3 is not. No economic theory or rational logic will imply that the PS3 is going to stay longer in the game than the other two.
If anything, the PS3 looks more likely to be replaced first.
Im not saying this will happen, but i think its absolutely ridiculous to make any statement that implies that the PS3 should be on the market longer, there is nothing that would suggest that.
And before some moron tries to say "but the PS2 and PS1 had 10 year lifecycles and KK said PS3 will last 10 years aswell", im going to say the following:
The PS1 and PS2 where extremely profitable. Its only natural for a company to want to keep producing a product that makes you a profit. The PS3 right now is probably not even breaking even, so unless things change dramatically, nobody will have any interest in producing a PS3 in 5 years or whatever.