Ty said:How long was Paper Mario & Pikmin2 available? Maybe they were available for the entire month.
Well Paper Mario was released on Oct 11th was it. So of course it wasn't on Septembers sales charts.
Ty said:How long was Paper Mario & Pikmin2 available? Maybe they were available for the entire month.
Sonic said:I fear a little for Nintendo. The system isn't selling nearly as well as it should and the software sales leave a lot to be desired. I wonder if they can make at least a decent showing this holiday season. If the Xbox continues to sell better than it during the rest of the year htan Nintendi is in big trouble. I hope they are able to make somewhat of a comeback and build on the momentum of last year's holiday. If not, this could prve trouble in the future for Revolution. That is unless Nintendo is actually serious about not just surviving in the industry, but making a comeback. They might make a profit now, but that is all from the handheld region, they'd be able to make double that if they had a system that sold respectable numbers.
This month wasn't much different than the last. The trends in the recent months have been similar, too.I'm not sure how interesting anything was in the intervening months, but I'm sure I know why Johnny mentioned this one.
Sonic said:The PS2 sales might be slow right not, but a pricedrop to $99 is an easy fix and a good way to make sales surge once again. And I'm sure the PSTwo will be able to sell double of what PSOne did.
DEO3 said:Sony's numbers are dropping more to market saturation than them acctualy losing ground to Micrsoft and Nintendo.
one said:DEO3 said:Sony's numbers are dropping more to market saturation than them acctualy losing ground to Micrsoft and Nintendo.
Software sales has nothing with market saturation.
DEO3 said:I'm not concerned for Nintendo at all. After all, they're acctualy making a profit, where as Microsoft is hemorrhaging money. That's not to say I'm concerned for Microsoft either, they knew they from day one that this gereration was going to be a loss for them, and so they aren't going anywhere anytime soon either.
I'm just saying that even though the numbers may not look good for Nintendo, they're not going anywhere. People just associate them as 'losing' because they used to be number one and have now since moved moved down in rank. Just like how people associate Microsoft as a 'winning' because they used to be last and have since moved up in rank.
But remember that's only in regards to consoles, Nintendo still dominates the handheld market. Some may feel handhelds are only a niche market, but the sales numbers seen here clearly show it's larger than most people think.