~1.3M it seems.What's the current PS4/Xbone gap in the US?
I don't see what MS can do to push their sales over PS4 in the 1st half of 2016, so the gap will continue to get bigger.
Seeing as how the PS4 has a strong 2016 software lineup and is now at price parity with XB1, the ONLY thing they can do is drop the price to 299. Last year I believe the XB1 only outsold the PS4 twice and the PS4 was more expensive with arguably a weaker software lineup. One of the months the XB1 outsold the PS4 (October) was probably because quite a few sales were lost and carried over to November from Battlefront/Black Ops pre-orders.
Having a price advantage is the only way they can close the gap IMO, but it will be difficult because the PS4 is just as cheap to produce AFAIK.
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