Now even Rockstar has licensed Unreal Engine 3.

scooby_dooby said:
"In addition, Microsoft Game Studios represents a large group of developers:

- bioware
- bizarre creations
- bungie studios
- epic games
- FASA Studios
- Game Republic
- Lionhead Studios
- Mistwalker
- Rare
- Q Entertainment"
I emphasized all the studios that belongs to Microsoft. The rest are studios that work on games produced and/or published by MGS.
Vysez said:
I know that Epic has a publishing and a licensing deal with MGS, but I never heard anything about MGS investing into Epic's capital. Are you sure that they said Epic was a subsidiary branch of MGS?

mckmas8808, an evaluation version of the UE3.0 will be shipped with every PS3 Devkits.

Ok just another reason to clap for Epic for the choices that they are making with this new engine. Have the other companies ever done this for any consoles in the past? I don't think so.
Vysez said:
I emphasized all the studios that belongs to Microsoft. The rest are studios that work on games produced and/or published by MGS.

but they have contractual agreements with MGS that we are not privy too. So it's not as cut and dry as "MGS is simply publishing the game"

For example, Mistwalker will not have Sony publishing it's games in the future.

Bioware is contractually obligated to provide 2 exclusive x360 games.

I'm sure each Dev in this list has some sort of long-term contract with MS, and IMO Epic surely has similar agreements.
scooby_dooby said:
Bioware is contractually obligated to provide 2 exclusive x360 games.
That's called a publishing deal for two games.
scooby_dooby said:
I'm sure each Dev in this list has some sort of long-term contract with MS, and IMO Epic surely has similar agreements.
What do you call a long term agreement? A publishing and/or producing contract for a certain number of games? Or an exclusive deal à la Mystwalker?
The former is a given, that's why they're listed as a part of MGS, the latter is unlikely, Game Republic already announced a PS3 game (Genji 2), for instance.
If ms is publishing gow you can bet it wont show up on anything other than the xbox and the pc .
jvd said:
If ms is publishing gow you can bet it wont show up on anything other than the xbox and the pc .
Nobody talked about other consoles.
I just don't remember anyone hinting that the game was also to be released on the PC, I thought the game was for the X360 only.
That's why this Nvidia article about a (PC) GPU+PPU working with Gears of War surprised me.
THe game was listed as pc . But then it chagned at ign to xbox 360 only . Which makes sense . Epic has a big chance to make this game as big as halo . The single player halo so to say and to keep the brand going . So it would be smart to keep it off the pc or pull a halo where the game comes out over a year later on the pc
Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
As publishers. AFAICR, Lionhead, Epic Bioware and Rare are not MS owned are they?

MS owns Rare(they bought them remember). Bioware and Lionhead are not owned by MS, but they are pretty much 2nd party arent they?
Vysez said:
Nobody talked about other consoles.
I just don't remember anyone hinting that the game was also to be released on the PC, I thought the game was for the X360 only.

I think it was a eurogamer interview with Allard... I believe I posted it somewhere on the forums in a previous discussion.

Edit: Found them :)


Eurogamer Link:
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Vysez said:
That's called a publishing deal for two games.

Well it would actually be for 4 games, plus a 5th exclusive published by Lucas Arts(kotor 1 $ 2, JE, and these 2 new games)

Vysez said:
What do you call a long term agreement? A publishing and/or producing contract for a certain number of games? Or an exclusive deal à la Mystwalker?

For example MS's 3 year deal with bioware that will span 5 exclusive titles.