Captain Chickenpants
It's only the top and bottom score that's discarded isn't it? I think most events do have an element such as this anyway. In boxing for example a point is only scored if 3 out of 5 judges decide a scoring punch has occurred. The same goes for Taekwondo (2 out of 4 judges). The gymnastics also discards top and bottom scores. Doesn't seem to stop odd stuff happening though.
Only today, a British Taekwondo fighter had her loss reversed after a ridiculous decision in her fight against a (ahem) Chinese fighter. A last minute kick to the head should have won the fight but bizarelly no point was awarded. So in this case 3 out of the 4 judges somehow decided it was a scoring kick, which defies belief if you saw it.
For a laugh, people should check out the reaction of the Cuban Taekwondo fighter when he got disqualified for taking too long to treat an injury. "Bad loser" somehow doesn't quite cut the mustard.
I was quite outraged when I saw the Taekwondo, but as one of the BBC commentators pointed out the positioning of the fighters and judges meant that the fighters had their backs to 2 of the judges (whilst the other 2 hada great view), so it is perfectly beleivable that they didn't see the kick, it is apparantly quite common for hits not to be scored because of this. The rules of the sport should be changed to allow for the use of a video replay.