No more cardboard cutouts in GT4!

maskrider said:
I am still waiting for the official UK date (28/May)

The official date here is the 26th, but I got it two days earlyer, maybe you have the same luck. I already got the McLaren (wohoo!) and only two driving tests to go till I have all cars. Then I just need to get all golds, but that will be very hard this time, some of the gold times are really good.

Here are two shots:

The limited edition:

And here I accepted that I need some sleep:


Edit: Finished all the tests:


Now the most interesting part can start, the run for gold. ;)
PC-Engine said:
It could also be because the road curves slightly to the right which causes the flags to pop out more.
That and they're REEEEEALLY white, which makes them much more apt to be examined than anything else around them.