The intrinsics being used are the closest thing to compute compression that exists. What's being used should be standardized with SM6.0 for DX12 and eventually an update to Vulkan. The functionality is also supported by all vendors, but primarily used on consoles. In the case of Doom the developer just got ahead of the API a bit and the extensions make porting from console easier. That's a far cry from extensions another IHV can't reasonably use and only exist on one platform.Theres an entirely different build with embedded nvapi, and extensions in engine aren't the same as extensions for the api...
DOOM uses gcn intrinsics, why are we not in arms about this too?
It seems that lately whenever anything uses nvidia specific extensions/libraries gameworks whatever it's bad, if amd does it its a huge victory
I like the idea of vendor extensions, but they should be properly integrated into major versions unless novel or very situational. They should also be primarily used for experimental technology.