To be fair, the developers didn't even test on Intel because even a 580 is a fair bit below the min spec. Given the lack of OpenGL and Vulkan games out there (and general situation with both and extensions) it's unreasonable to assume anything that hasn't been tested will work. I was actually fairly shocked to find that the GL path does work fairly decently as of the latest driver update given how far below the min spec (~2.5tflop GPU @ 720p) even the 580 is. That said, their "min spec" is a ways off consoles so not sure what's up with that...Another aside, wow is intel's driver situation not good. Only the latest beta driver supports doom and a previous beta driver to support doom vulkan...just not the latest.
Realistically in GL and Vulkan though if you haven't tested it it's fair to assume it's broken - and that goes for every IHV. DX is a much more solid API from that perspective and obviously gets more attention on Windows as the vast majority of games use DX. I don't think most folks would want us to invert those priorities