not really, MS did it in an act of desperation, now Nintendo has to compete with a desperate company who doesnt mind losing money instead of making it, just to get into households, Nintendo has to adjust, and all while still making some profit.
honestly, I think that argument doesn't hold any water. it was bad for MS when they were behind in europe, but it's not bad for Nitendo when they are behind in europe? That's a double standard, no matter how you spin it. leaving america out of this for the moment, what is exactly different this time around?
Now for america MS bundles the xbox with two games that didn't sel well and were discontinued. Europe was a different story, since you could also get Halo and Splinter cell (although not in the actual box). So Nintendo starts bundling the gamecube in all regions with it's flag ship titles. Specifically giving thier best title revently released (zelda away for free) with a new console very much makes nintendo as desperate as MS. After all, they are loosing out to a new comer in america and the UK
Difference is, M$ really was desperate. Their flagship console was heading straight down the tubes due to exorbitantly high launch price, so with a bit of extra money M$ fixes that. Not quite the same situation here is there?
Exorbitantly high? only in europe really. They then fixed the price and it started to sell better. months later adding the bundle and it really started to sell, but I think them lowering the price to match what it was in the states wasw what really put them over the top. Japan was a moot point since it's not gonna sell there no matter what the price.
Look at it this way in america. Nintendo's flagship console was going down the tubes due to a lack of a bundle (instead of price), so with a little bit of extra money Nintendo fixes that and bundles the console with each flagship game after relelased.
The situation is the same. Each of the companies will do what ever it has to to sell consoles. I said that very same thing before MS started bundling games with the xbox, and I also said Nintendo would do it when they felt they needed to. Obviously things aren't good enough for Nintendo and they needed or are desperate enough to do it, despite nintendo making money on the console.