Nightwish - Dark Passion Play


Drunk Member
Dark Passion Play is the name of the upcoming Nightwish album with new singer, Anette Olzon.

This was leaked through leaked promo-songs, Poet and the Pendulum, Cadence of Her Last Breath, Bye Bye Beautiful and Amaranth, where in certain parts the music turns down and a male voice (sounds a bit like Tuomas) says "You're listening to the Nightwish album, Dark Passion Play, and this song is called [song name]"

For the songs themselves, Anette's voice seems too "weak" in parts, but it's still not too bad, the songs are great, and Tuomas has once again shown what a talent he is when it comes to composing great music in general, and movie soundtrack / score -like music
Tuomas has once again shown what a talent he is when it comes to composing great music in general, and movie soundtrack / score -like music

That'll be just your personal opinion I think :)

IMO they're one of the worst copycat would-be-metal bands I ever heard, barely above Manowar level. and the new singer can't help change that either. And don't even get me started on the Tarot crap.
I could never stomach the opera singing, so I'm definately not a fan. Yet, I think it's pretty undeserved to call them a "copycat" act, considering that they kinda pioneered that kind of sound.

Also, I find the Manowar comparison odd. Manowar, cheesy as they may be, have produced some of the most memorable and formative metal classics of all time, namely Battle Hymns, Hail to England and Kings of Metal. Yeah, they're pretty much a joke nowadays and the last two or three albums have been practically worthless, but that does in no way diminish their past achivements.

Frankly, when I think "would-be-metal", bands like Muse, which you hold is such high regard, are the first that spring to mind.
Manowar are undoubtfully the worst band ever. Talking about anything they ever did in terms of "achievement" is kinda ridiculous. But to each his own.

Muse is just (great) pop/rock, I see no connection to metal there in any form.
Manowar are undoubtfully the worst band ever. Talking about anything they ever did in terms of "achievement" is kinda ridiculous. But to each his own.

Muse is just (great) pop/rock, I see no connection to metal there in any form.
yet, just 17 days ago they made the best "hard" concert in Bulgaria forever - 3h long show... you may dislike'em as music/appearance, but they did good show. Much, much better than Maiden month earlier and even better than Metallica years ago.

"Everything depends on personal taste", said the cat and licked her ass
Well some people also adore Backstreet Boys, but that doesn't make it any better.

As for Metallica, they never could play good live, nothing new there (good as "same as on the records").
Small review'ish by me:

Changing the singer from Tarja Turunen to Anette Olzon was a big change - they are completely different types of singers, Tarja is highly trained classical singer, mezzo soprano, and Anette, while have had some classical training too, is more of "typical singer" so to say, even pop'ish in some songs, though she gets to show off the classical voice too in some of the songs.

The new album itself is perhaps a bit more varied than any of the earlier ones, it starts with unusual first song - nearly 14 minutes long Poet and the Pendulum - a very personal song by Tuomas Holopainen, the wizard behind most of Nightwish songs.

Poet and the Pendulum
The song is epic in nature, it goes from slow balladish parts to faster, heavier paced parts like the chorus. It shows glimpses of Anettes classical side, the lyrics are a story of sorts, of Tuomas himself, kinda his biography;
Tuomas: "That is a strange choice for the first song. This track should blow the listener away right at the beginning. This is my best song – and the soundtrack to my life".

Bye bye beautiful
This is a clear follow up to the song "Wish I had an angel" from the album Once on the musical side - Lyrics wise, it's a clear "goodbye and thanks for nothing" to Tarja; Here's the chorus to show you what I mean:
Did you ever hear what I told you?
Did you ever read what I wrote you?
Did you ever listen to what we played?
Did you ever let in what the world said?
Did we get this far just to feel your hate?
Did we play to become only pawns in the game?
How blind can you be, don’t you see?
You chose the long road, but we’ll be waiting

Bye bye, beautiful
Die die, beautiful
Bye bye, beautiful
Die die, beautiful

The song will as far as I know be released as the third single from the album.
And Tuomas's words on the song
Tuomas: "Musically both songs [Wish I had an Angel] are related – pressing and danceable. Actually Anette was supposed to sing the whole song but that would have been unfair. That’s because of the lyrics

Second song to be released as a single, addictive one too, kinda reminds me of Nemo in some ways, but still not quite the same

Video of the song, inspired by Hugo Simberg's The wounded angel painting, can be seen at Nuclear Blast's site:
(or straight at Youtube, since Nuclear Blast uses this on their site: )

Tuomas: "At the beginning this was the last bonus track. But with the orchestra and Anette it ended up on the album. But then it emerges as a single. That’s strange… This is not my favourite track.".

Cadence of her last breath
In my opinion, the worst song of the album - I don't know what to say about this, it's just... somehow plain, boring compared to the rest

Tuomas: "This is the song I like least of all. It divides. I do not like the refrain: It sounds too American-like, you suddenly want to start rapping on it.".

Master Passion Greed
This song is clearly the heaviest, angriest song ever made by Nightwish - by far.
The song is sang by Marco alone, excluding the chorus. It's clearly pointed for Marcelo Cabuli, Tarja's husband who Tuomas once called "the snake in his paradise", and the person who ultimately caused the fights between Tarja and rest of the band.
Rumoredly, this is the first time Tuomas opens his mouth on Nightwish albums after Anges Fall First, doing a bit growling on the side/behind of Marcos singing on the top.

Tuomas: "That’s our heaviest song in every aspect – very aggressive with a small influence from Children of Bodom".

The first single released from the album, and first public appearance of Anette as Nightwish's new singer. It's a nice ballad, first it caused some mixed feelings, but at least I learned to like it.
Something notable is, that all the profits from this single release were given to charity

Tuomas: "This is just a ballad with a nice little melody. The story is about a small girl who’s been mocked at school. An appetizer".

This is a song I haven't had a chance to listen through enough yet to give any final judgement on it, it has some oriental-ish influences, but maybe I'll continue on this on later date when I've had the time to really get into the song
Tuomas: "This song progressed in a great way and surprised me positively. It is based on a dream".

Whoever brings the night
As far as I know, this is the first Nightwish song composed by the guitarist Emppu Vuorinen. It has a bit of the same feeling as Wish I had an angel and Bye bye beautiful, but closer to "normal" Nightwish still. I got addicted especially on the chorus rythm, it just works.

Tuomas: "I only wrote the lyrics and the vocal lines. This is a flirting song somewhere between love, sex, death and irony which humorously sounds like Tim Burton".

For the heart I once had
The song starts unlike any other Nightwish song, it sounds almost like finnish pop/rock band Yö, but luckily it's only the first impression of the song [cool]
Clearly one of the better songs of the album after getting really into it and shaking off the "pop/rock feeling"

Tuomas: "I like the result a lot especially the lyrics. This song balances on the border between ballad and heaviness".

The Islander
Acoustic song, Marco shows a new side of his singing capabilities, not heard in Nightwish nor Tarot before for all I can remember. Not my cup of tea, but not bad either.
Tuomas: "Before a show Marco came to me with an acoustic guitar and this riff. I was delighted right away and had a lighthouse keeper in front of my inner eyes".

The Last Of The Wilds
Instrumental song, catching rythm and melody, love the folk touch in this, but nothing much to say about it, it just works.

Tuomas: "Folk-instruments from Ireland, Emppus guitar-melodies and the Finnish national-instrument kantele: Everybody’s dancing on the table".

Seven Days to the Wolves
Quite average for Nightwish song in my opinion, but I instantly fell in love with Anette's skill and voice in the songs latter half, in a part which comes right after violin(?) solo - Light the fire, feast / Chase the ghost, give in / Take the road less traveled / Leave by, leave the city of fools / Turn every poet loose

Tuomas: "This song has the best chorus on the album – it is inspired by the American poet Walt Whitman from the 19th century".

Meadows of Heaven
A slow, calm song to end the album - suits it quite well in my opinion. The song is beautiful, but in my opinion ruined in the end by some background singer who sounds like some soul-type of singer or something, doesn't fit it at all, this isn't some damn ghetto gospel choir ffs!

Tuomas: "The song is the perfect end for this album. And the choir is awesome –enough said!"

That's the album, excluding one extra track for the Japanese as usual, but I haven't gotten my hands on that one yet.

For those who know the albums full promo version has leaked to the net - don't bother downloading it, trust me, it doesn't do justice to the album with the MP3 packed songs and especially the voice overs by Tuomas on the songs ruining half of 'em after hearing the real thing.
They'll probably do well, Anette Olzon is very good looking and lets be honest having a female lead singer has always carried Nightwish. The band... has no talent and the songs suck, but doesn't matter if the guys at your shows have something good to look at.
Small review'ish by me:

Thank you! fantastic read.

I'm a fan of Nightwish, you could say that it's the only band I really follow and listen with passion. It's a pity what happened with Tarja as I think her singing was pretty much the best thing metal world has ever seen (well heard actually :)), but nobody is going to take those old songs away, so I can still listen to those anytime and Anette and new Nightwish doesn't sound too bad either.
They'll probably do well, Anette Olzon is very good looking and lets be honest having a female lead singer has always carried Nightwish. The band... has no talent and the songs suck, but doesn't matter if the guys at your shows have something good to look at.

The music combined with Tarja's voice was what made Nightwish, not because she had tits. :rolleyes:
Thank you! fantastic read.

I'm a fan of Nightwish, you could say that it's the only band I really follow and listen with passion. It's a pity what happened with Tarja as I think her singing was pretty much the best thing metal world has ever seen (well heard actually :)), but nobody is going to take those old songs away, so I can still listen to those anytime and Anette and new Nightwish doesn't sound too bad either.

On related note, I'm quite anxious to hear how Anette sings the older songs, reportedly there's only 2 songs that they won't ever do live again, Phantom of the Opera and.. humm.. can't remember the other one
On related note, I'm quite anxious to hear how Anette sings the older songs, reportedly there's only 2 songs that they won't ever do live again, Phantom of the Opera and.. humm.. can't remember the other one

Sacrament of Wilderness?

edit: or the Passion and the opera?
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They'll probably do well, Anette Olzon is very good looking and lets be honest having a female lead singer has always carried Nightwish. The band... has no talent and the songs suck, but doesn't matter if the guys at your shows have something good to look at.

Why do you think Lacuna Coil sells so well? Their music is uninspired, but Christina Scabbia is eye candy.

I can safely say the only band I truly enjoy that has a female lead is Arch Enemy. But even they were better back when they were fronted by Johan Liiva.
The music combined with Tarja's voice was what made Nightwish, not because she had tits. :rolleyes:

That's laughable at best, Nightwish's music is an assault on my ears. Its a joke and yes I do think they only got attention because Tarja had tits. The music and her voice and the band never went together perfectly and it always left a lot to be desired. The fact that over time it got even more uninspired just makes it worse.

Why do you think Lacuna Coil sells so well? Their music is uninspired, but Christina Scabbia is eye candy.

I can safely say the only band I truly enjoy that has a female lead is Arch Enemy. But even they were better back when they were fronted by Johan Liiva.

The first two EPs and album from Lacuna Coil was actually good, starting at around Unleashed Memories though the band went down hill... ironically that's when they hit mainstream radio waves. The band is certainly a joke these days and yes the only reason they get any attention is because of Christina Scabbia.

My favorite bands with female lead singers are by far Aghora and The Gathering.

I don't think a female lead singer makes a band bad, I think a sudden rise in popularity (therefore a need to rush into a studio without good material) makes a band unsteady and not able to cope. This leads to a series of bad releases until something happens that they finally get the time to make good new material.
The first two EPs and album from Lacuna Coil was actually good, starting at around Unleashed Memories though the band went down hill... ironically that's when they hit mainstream radio waves. The band is certainly a joke these days and yes the only reason they get any attention is because of Christina Scabbia.

My favorite bands with female lead singers are by far Aghora and The Gathering.

I don't think a female lead singer makes a band bad, I think a sudden rise in popularity (therefore a need to rush into a studio without good material) makes a band unsteady and not able to cope. This leads to a series of bad releases until something happens that they finally get the time to make good new material.

I started paying attention to Lacuna Coil around the release of "Comalies." "Heaven's a Lie" is what really drew me to them. After that I wasn't really liking what I was hearing anymore. Female singers certainly don't drag down bands, in fact you're right about the entire thoughtless bandwagon-ing these other female led groups are committing, it's just especially in the metal scene I find it rather hard for audiences to take them all that seriously. It may sound sexist, but metal is such a male driven music scene, so it's odd when a group fronted by a female surfaces. Angela Gossow can certainly growl like the best of them, in fact hearing her talk between songs is like listening to a drill sergeant yell at recruits.
Sacrament of Wilderness?

edit: or the Passion and the opera?
Passion it was I think

That's laughable at best, Nightwish's music is an assault on my ears. Its a joke and yes I do think they only got attention because Tarja had tits. The music and her voice and the band never went together perfectly and it always left a lot to be desired. The fact that over time it got even more uninspired just makes it worse.
Ye well, you can't please all, I could probably say that very same on 10 bands you happen to like :LOL:
That's laughable at best, Nightwish's music is an assault on my ears. Its a joke and yes I do think they only got attention because Tarja had tits.

I enjoyed Nightwish for at least a year before I saw her photo, so I'd say it's the music. It was very original when they started. And I don't know if Tarja is particularly attractive anyway. Not ugly, but nothing spectacular either.