Nicole Kidman -- Birth movie

Reverend said:
How many thinks (even before you've seen it, based on the outrage expressed) it is kiddie porn?
Hmm.. I think some crazies will say its child porn, but I dont think so, does the kid have sex with her?
K I watched the trailer... I think people are just going on a witch hunt, so to speak.. They're not looking deep enough, they just see a kid, so they think "omg child porn" shallow bastards..
This is ridiculous... They have a bath together. Big deal. Jesus, some people will jump at anyone's throat, as long as it's fresh blood, and this is Nicole Kidman's turn... I mean the amount of bad publicity she has received around this movie is ridiculous, considering who she is, what she has achieved, it's like all she did before never existed! She IS one of the best actresses in the world at the moment (and she has been for quite a few years), at least among the ones who work in Hollywood...
PatrickL said:
Hum depends. Since tom Cruise we know she likes Half-sized men :LOL:

Yet on Parkinson (IIRC) after the split she said "I can now wear high heels again".
Tom Cruise recently appeared on Parkinson (UK chat show), there was a huge things about that here in the UK. Confusion understandable.