Ni No Kuni: The Another World

I think you do not agree with your sig.

Yes, as I mentioned, some/many are not worth $60. Journey is incredible but also not priced at $60.

Yeah, that the purchase is linked directly to your account and thus can't activate anywhere else.

It will also stop the possibility of loaning games unless friends also loan your account.

I'm sure Ni No Kuni is worth the amount they ask, I am just being treated with all the sales at Steam and the general price of iOS games (I'm not talking about the $1 games but those that cost $10 and more).

Yap, I will probably get it when my new monitor arrives. I just bought a car last week. The first thing I got was a small Totoro toy dangling from my rear view mirror. ^_^

I am looking for a Neko bus tissue box cover.

I haz it ! My new office TV/monitor.

Kept in a room without my knowledge. Get busy my little PS3 friend. Lot's of things to update over the past few months.
Get Nino Kuni Pastu. Your B3D name says u have to get it ! :) i am days away from playing it, but everyone is saying its a treasure not to be missed ! Studio Ghibli !
Oh ! By the way the 16 gb file is avaialble now. Go get it !

As for the demo, well they just showed the Battle system, just like other jrpg demoes. Instead they should have let us roam in some beautiful town to feel the charm of the game. I usually get lulled by battle systems, ut otherwise like jrpgs. I loved Y's Seven cos it had all the charm and cuteness of jrpgs but had realtime combat. It was fantastic !

OTOH, FFXIII 's battle system was okay, u felt engaged, but the story theme etc were not enough for me to carry on. I am hoping the superb charm of Ghibli will make sure i will progress thru this game and the pokemon aspect of collecting pets and levelling them up, along with the semi-realtime battle system will work . From all the reviews, even by non-fans of JRPGs seems to suggest that it is working superbly.

Hence, I decided to spend the money I had saved for Last Of Us on Ni No Kuni instead. I always prefer a game which makes me wmile while playing rather than just adrenaline rushes which leave u tired. The same reason I liked Uncharteds so much.

@Patsu: i am sure the initial 2 hours themselves will be worth the money as friends who have played say the story grabs u just like all of our fav Ghibli movies. As for the $60 price tag, the game takes around 60 hours to go through, and reviewers are saying they didn't want it to end even then, so it most prbly is not a bore. Platinum whores will need 80-90 hours.

So, definately worth $60, that is if you fall in love with the game. If not, if Miyazaki never worked his charm on you, it won't be worth it, I guess. :) But if u have smiled, had teary eyes and have gasped in joy in numerous of Ghibli movies, I guess its Journey one should not miss at all :p !
I bought the Dark Souls DLC. Will get Nino Kuni next week or so, but I don't have time to play now (Don't have time to watch TV or NetFlix either).

I should be buying my Vita instead. ^_^
Definitely a bit interested, as it seems to benefit rather than suffer from having 4yos around. ;) Also response so far from people playing is great. There are some complaints about the secondhalf, but reaching the second half in a jrpg style game for me would be a novelty to begin with.
same here. i don't think I will ever reach the end. But i think i will get my money's worth in the initial 10-15 hours. Afterall,most games can be replayed twice in that time.

But from what I have heard, people seem to be happy and say that side quests grant powerful stuff and are equally cute.

the only issue is the 16 gb download at 512 kbps cos somehow me n family used up all the 4mbps bandwidth already :unsure:
Yes, when I make time, it's usually spent outdoor with the kid, or on some projects with him. Don't want him to get too much TV, gaming, and other luxury. I plan to commit him to some monthly social work program once he's 8.

I'll get the game once I find the next breather at work. ;-)
Yeah, I put in 100 over hours for PSP Persona on a Vita early last year. When the RPG is designed/optimized for mobile gaming, it is possible to make small, engaging progress.
Yes, when I make time, it's usually spent outdoor with the kid, or on some projects with him. Don't want him to get too much TV, gaming, and other luxury. I plan to commit him to some monthly social work program once he's 8.

I'll get the game once I find the next breather at work. ;-)

Alright RenegadeRocks, I got the game on the way to donate my car. ;-)
Reading the reviews for this game I am not sure I can resist much longer.

I just hate the fact that it goes for $92 in the danish PSN :(
Alright RenegadeRocks, I got the game on the way to donate my car. ;-)

Heh Heh ! Have a wonderful time :p !

Now that u mention it, maybe since this was also a DS game initially, maybe this is also deisgned for small sessions. If so, that would immensley helpful for me as my gaming sessions times are also shrinking and games that let me play 10 -15 mins at a time, like Portal2, are the ones I play now. If this falls in that category, I would be delighted !
Reading the reviews for this game I am not sure I can resist much longer.

I just hate the fact that it goes for $92 in the danish PSN :(

Since when did they start using USD in Danmark?

I noticed the game is 60 euro on PSN here, which is a common price for new games, but still expensive of course. The game is 21GB in Europe though, suggesting a few more languages being supported. I normally don't care, but if Dutch is supported that would be a huge boon for my 4yo son.

I hear the demo sucks, but I'll try it anyway, in case that can tell me already if Dutchis supported.
My views on the demo are earlier in this thread. Felt like another JRPG that plays like oh so many others, with the same predictable mechanics.
but does the predictable mechanic making the battle tedious and boring?

or its like Lost Oddysey when the mechanic is always the same but the config make it enjoyable.
or like Eternal Sonata where it is predictable but honouring player's skill in controlling the character (so i dont need to grind).

the game is really expensive, the price really putting me off. its like 70-80 dollar :/
Since when did they start using USD in Danmark?

I noticed the game is 60 euro on PSN here, which is a common price for new games, but still expensive of course. The game is 21GB in Europe though, suggesting a few more languages being supported. I normally don't care, but if Dutch is supported that would be a huge boon for my 4yo son.

I hear the demo sucks, but I'll try it anyway, in case that can tell me already if Dutchis supported.

I just converted the danish price (yees yes, with 25% VAT) heh.

The demo only shows the combat system, so it's a bit weak.
I'll probably buy it during the week anyway.
its $45 on the Indian store. Get it from there if u can.
Watch the review by CGR i posted in the previous page, he mentions which game the battle system resembles.most. I think he mentions Dragon Quest 8, i hsven't played that at all.

As fir the demo, it shows u the battle system without any context or exploration. I think the game is all about context and the world.
but does the predictable mechanic making the battle tedious and boring?
That's a taste issue. It's the same as other games of this ilk, so if you really like the long menus to find the action you want to perform instead of pressing block/attack/dodge buttons, you'll have a field day. Personally I didn't take to the realtime combat mixed with menus, and there also wasn't a fabulous new universe to experience. It was the same Dragon's Quest style magics and attacks. That's fine in games like shooters for me because for them it's the gameplay I enjoy, but in JRPGs the sameness grates given the many battles. Also the tiresome unskipable end-of-battle screens ... it's a lot of time spent achieving very little, and one of the reasons you get 80+ hours of game is because you have 40+ hours of transitions into and out of battles and cutscenes of uber attacks and stuff. :p

As fir the demo, it shows u the battle system without any context or exploration. I think the game is all about context and the world.
But the battling is a massive component as it's where you'll spend a lot of your time. If they had a turbo mode, where you have 1/4 the battles and level 4x faster, and lose all the transitions so it's a very quick, seamless entry/exit from battles, they may get me to bite, but it appears Japanese game designed is entrenched. It's barely changed in the JRPG in 30+ years short of a mild realtime variation.