Ni No Kuni: The Another World

BTW, had taken up the side quest where u have to find the diary of the traveller. It is supposed to be on an islqnd with two trees in the NWest of the map, but can't find it anywhere :( ! Any tips ?
It's there, a short distance from the town to NW. It's a very small island in a middle of a very small lake. It doesn't show you the sparkles like regular items on the map do, you''ll just need to keep tapping X when you're around the right spot.
The island really is small, with just the three trees in it and not much else. Also the water around the island is very shallow, so it really might not look like a lake at all.
Was a bit hard to spot on the world map for me too.
I threw out the lemur pretty early because he just kept on getting himself killed, but I used the Mite, the Wood Sprite and Esther's Drongo all the way through the game. In fact I still use the Wood Sprite and the Drongo. The Drongo's magic attacks kick ass and he's quite hardy to boot, and the Wood Sprite is still a fantastic healer. The only major adjustment I made to my party was giving everyone a Purrloiner (you can charm those rather eary). Mostly because I like cats. Especially cats with eyepatches.

Sure, your experience might be slightly more inviolved than merely hammering x to win if you don't start to min-max right away, but is that really such a bad thing? Familiars like the Dinoceros (which you cannot capture until you're, like, 30+ hours into the game anyway) pretty much break the game. That is of course if you are lucky enough to charm one in the first place.

Long story short: use whatever the hell you feel like using. Most familiars are more than capable of seeing you through the story.
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Been playing this with my 4yo son, who is absolutely loving it. And to be honest, this has so far definitely been more of a game for him than for me, but I still really like it too. The early gameplay (we're maybe 90 minutes in, on our way to the forest guardian now, just past the whispering waterfall) has been nothing more than press x, and run towards any magic or health orbs, and so far he's proven very capable of that. Just needs a little bit of guidance every now and then to send him the right way. This is on Normal. If I play the game in such a way that pressing x is all there is to it, then that will be fine - in that case, I'll just leave my son to it. :D

Really charming game though so far.
The forest guardian that I had trouble with in the demo wasn't so hard by the time we got to it in the game. I still died once (because I still have to get used to canceling an action to switch to defending) but the second time I got by just fine.

Otherwise it stays pretty easy, and I'm really enjoying it so far. It has the world map with the visible monsters that I vastly prefer in these types of games, and which I loved in Final Fantasy XII. I don't know if I'd have liked it as much if my son wasn't totally into it as well though. ;) Gameplay is really simple and basic, and very kid oriented if you ask me. Which I really think is great, mind you, because there just aren't enough of these games, especially on the 'HD' consoles. I need way more stuff like this and Rayman, etc.
Anyone else having very blurry and unfocused graphics? I have a 1080P samsung 40 incher and I sit 8-9 feet away, and my other PS3 games look very sharp and defined. But NNK looks insanely blurry, it looks better on my 14- inch tubetv...=/ And I've tested the game on a samsung plasma and two different monitors with the same results. Is it true that the game renders only in 1024x720? Could there be a scaling problem somewhere? Because I've heard that NNK is the most gorgeous game on the consoles and my copy looks so blurry that it hurts my eyes...=(
No, it looks amazing on my 40 inch 1080p Samsung LCD. I'd double check and make sure you have 720p checked as a supported resolution in case it is falling back to 480p or something.
It's checked, and the tv shows 1280x720 as the game's resolution, so I'm stumped...There's no definition in the picture and the cel shading looks very ugly...the lines around people are thick, not thin as I've seen in screenshots and videos...It's so frustrating that everyone says that it's sharp and gorgeous on their tv but mine looks blurrier than any of my other games, including my Xbox 360 games...=/ Only my 14 inch tubetv shows it somethings gotta give...=/
Comparing with a 14" TV is bound to give you pause due to contrast alone. For what it's worth, on my 1080p the game looks pretty good (27" at less than 1m), but obvioulsy there's a big difference in sharpness between the gameplay and the drawn cutscenes.

Is there a noticeable difference for you there too, or are your cutscenes (the actually hand-drawn bits) also blurry? If so that would be a hint that there's something wrong ...

Still liking the game. Gameclock now says 3:50.
The cutscenes are not as sharp as I thought, but they are sharper than the graphics ingame. But the graphics are immensely blurry, like playing a computergame using lower resolution than the native resolution of 1080x1920 pc monitor, If you know what I mean? For example, setting the resolution of a computergame to 1280x720 so that the game is superblurry on a 1080P monitor. My other 720P games on the PS3 are much sharper and I expected NNK to be at lest as sharp as my other games, because I heard that the game is sharp and gorgeous...=/
Well don't expect too much. Above all, it's the art that's really good, and above all it's in the towns and forest and such. The world-map is quite blurry.

Art is really, really good though, for instance sections like in the first fantasy town:

I don't really get Shifty's complaints about the menu speeds either - I think they're fast enough, and you can x through every text and score animation.
Yeah, but my problem is that even towns look horrible...=/ It's like there's a blurry filter on all of the graphics, not just the ambience of the game, but like there's a problem somewhere, either in the game or my PS3...but then, my other games behave as they should. I'm truly bummed out because the game seems to be really good otherwise...=/

And my game doesn't look even close to that of the video you posted, Arwin, not even close...=/ The video looks the way it should be...=/
The disc version. I usually buy discs rather than digital versions. I've tried to uninstall the game and install it again but to no avail. Changing the PS3's resolution to 720P didn't do anything. And this happened on a plasma and two pc monitors in addition to my on tv. It's almost like playing a wii game on a lcd...=/
Not as much as the gameplay, but they still do not look quite HD...=/ But the gameplay is really, really blurry, only my 14 inch old tubetv shows it quite sharp...o_O
I can only assume it's rendering 480p. Can you take a couple of digital photos for investigation? Find a screenshot of NKN and copy it to your PS3 and display it from the photo menu, and take a photo. Then fire up NKN and take a photo.
The tv is showing 1280x720...and I tried but my camera is'nt very good, so it's useless to try to take a picture...=/ And I'm using PC mode on the tv, so the picture should be the best possible...
What happens if you switch to other modes ? The gameplay is lower res but not blurry the last time I checked.
I have all the resolutions checked in the PS3's settings, I tried 720P only, but it didn't do's like the image is a little out of focus and it strains my eyes...=/ I'm kinda baffled, because other games look sharp, even older ones...
Done with the gaurdian of the Golden Grove, going to Al Mammon now.

The Lemur guy with the 'psyche up' ability is actually very usefull in short spurts during battles. Just let him get psyched up and let him loose on one enemy for massive damage.

As for boss fights, I am still using magic only. I don't see how people use physical atracks on bosses cos tht means going close to the boss and getting hit. I just keep using magic and collecting orbs.