Nforce for your Prescott ?

If they've just signed the license agreement, it's highly unlikely we'll see anything from it for quite some time. Thus, I believe, it's either for Dothan derivatives or, more likely, for the dual core platform (which should complement SLI great).
Word is that they'll see the 'benefits' of the agreement in first half 2005. Buy on rumor sell on news man.
I'm surprised Intel decided to open the door for more competition on its turf, so far they've been quite unwilling to share their territory and profit with other companies... NV is a tough competitor and will be much tougher for Intel to handle than ATi has been so far I'll wager, and even VIA seems to have been struggling mightily in the P4 market too lately, I don't hear much noise about them anymore.

It may have something to do with the fact Intel's now advertising their x86-64 xeons on the web at last, and will probably migrate 64-bittedness into consumer space within not too long. Expect 64-bit XP to appear around that time as well... Damn Microsoft, they're dragging their heels to favor Intel. :?
They may indeed have a lot of $$, but that won't stop them from wanting more/all $$... It surprises me because it opens a door for them where they might end up having LESS $$ because of lost chipset sales, but I guess their reasoning is by having NV on their team they'll catch some NV fans who buy AMD CPUs simply because NV makes the mobo chipset and end up selling them an Intel CPU instead + a chipset royalty from NV.
Guden Oden said:
I guess their reasoning is by having NV on their team they'll catch some NV fans who buy AMD CPUs simply because NV makes the mobo chipset and end up selling them an Intel CPU instead + a chipset royalty from NV.

Hmmm very doubtful. I don't think there are pure Nvidia fans when it comes to mobos. You're either an AMD or Intel fan and if you're AMD then you choose from Via or Nvidia. So they won't be pulling AMD enthusiasts into the Intel camp that way. Especially considering the strength of their offerings that support the AMD line of processors.
Kind of wierd how the original nforce boards came around because of the xbox deal, and caused nvidia to gain quite a large market share of the athlon motherboard market.(what with having the best integrated sound and graphics)

Now that nvidia is not involved with consoles anymore their chipsets have become as simple as possible. And ati has gotten involved in consoles, and now are making motherboards that started out a little lame at first(like the original nforce), but are quickly getting better, and have the best integrated audio and graphics available.
Prescott??? :LOL:
Dead and it was dead on arrival - as I predicted early this year. 8)

Seriously, I can't imagine why would ANYBODY buy anything other Intel stuff than Centrino.

Such people most likely can't even calculate and most likely don't know crap about technical details.
trinibwoy said:
Guden Oden said:
I guess their reasoning is by having NV on their team they'll catch some NV fans who buy AMD CPUs simply because NV makes the mobo chipset and end up selling them an Intel CPU instead + a chipset royalty from NV.

Hmmm very doubtful. I don't think there are pure Nvidia fans when it comes to mobos. You're either an AMD or Intel fan and if you're AMD then you choose from Via or Nvidia. So they won't be pulling AMD enthusiasts into the Intel camp that way. Especially considering the strength of their offerings that support the AMD line of processors.

Exactly - no chance.
T2k said:
Prescott??? :LOL:
Dead and it was dead on arrival - as I predicted early this year. 8)

Seriously, I can't imagine why would ANYBODY buy anything other Intel stuff than Centrino.

Such people most likely can't even calculate and most likely don't know crap about technical details.

Is centrino even all that good? I don't recall performance being on athlon 64 or prescott levels in anything beyond gaming.
Fox5 said:
T2k said:
Prescott??? :LOL:
Dead and it was dead on arrival - as I predicted early this year. 8)

Seriously, I can't imagine why would ANYBODY buy anything other Intel stuff than Centrino.

Such people most likely can't even calculate and most likely don't know crap about technical details.

Is centrino even all that good? I don't recall performance being on athlon 64 or prescott levels in anything beyond gaming.

Pentium-M is pretty cool, believe me. It runs for hours, not bulky, heavy crap and yet powerful enough even for mid-level gaming.

A64 and even Mobile A64 is more powerful but they kill the battery and heavy as hell anything built on them - these are exceptinally true for non-Mobile A64 laptops...
T2k said:
Fox5 said:
T2k said:
Prescott??? :LOL:
Dead and it was dead on arrival - as I predicted early this year. 8)

Seriously, I can't imagine why would ANYBODY buy anything other Intel stuff than Centrino.

Such people most likely can't even calculate and most likely don't know crap about technical details.

Is centrino even all that good? I don't recall performance being on athlon 64 or prescott levels in anything beyond gaming.

Pentium-M is pretty cool, believe me. It runs for hours, not bulky, heavy crap and yet powerful enough even for mid-level gaming.

A64 and even Mobile A64 is more powerful but they kill the battery and heavy as hell anything built on them - these are exceptinally true for non-Mobile A64 laptops...

I was talking about for the desktop market though, since there are desktop motherboards now that can use p-m.
Fox5 said:
T2k said:
Fox5 said:
T2k said:
Prescott??? :LOL:
Dead and it was dead on arrival - as I predicted early this year. 8)

Seriously, I can't imagine why would ANYBODY buy anything other Intel stuff than Centrino.

Such people most likely can't even calculate and most likely don't know crap about technical details.

Is centrino even all that good? I don't recall performance being on athlon 64 or prescott levels in anything beyond gaming.

Pentium-M is pretty cool, believe me. It runs for hours, not bulky, heavy crap and yet powerful enough even for mid-level gaming.

A64 and even Mobile A64 is more powerful but they kill the battery and heavy as hell anything built on them - these are exceptinally true for non-Mobile A64 laptops...

I was talking about for the desktop market though, since there are desktop motherboards now that can use p-m.

For desktop? Who wants to buy P-M for desktop? :oops:
P-M isn't ready yet for that market. Simply less powerful than AMD's offerings, period.
T2k said:
Such people most likely can't even calculate and most likely don't know crap about technical details.

No such people have lives that do not revolve around PC hardware and just like to buy their DELLs and be done with it.
T2k said:
For desktop? Who wants to buy P-M for desktop? :oops:
P-M isn't ready yet for that market. Simply less powerful than AMD's offerings, period.
Well, they don't require a big cooling, so perfect for a quit divx system.

They also have a very large overclocking potential. ( Check this link for a Dothan @3.3Ghz using LN2 )

DFI's motherboard pics and press release
Endura LS855 Data Sheet
Aopen i855GMEm-LFS

In fact, it could be my next upgrade.
trinibwoy said:
T2k said:
Such people most likely can't even calculate and most likely don't know crap about technical details.

No such people have lives that do not revolve around PC hardware and just like to buy their DELLs and be done with it.

Since when necessary to get rid of your life to learn most of the things within 15-30 minutes about today's CPUs? :rolleyes:

You gotta be a pretty 'slow' student if you're serious... :p
AAlcHemY said:
T2k said:
For desktop? Who wants to buy P-M for desktop? :oops:
P-M isn't ready yet for that market. Simply less powerful than AMD's offerings, period.
Well, they don't require a big cooling, so perfect for a quit divx system.

Buy VIA CPUs - perfect for this and passive cooling only.

They also have a very large overclocking potential. ( Check this link for a Dothan @3.3Ghz using LN2 )

And despite this crazy liquid Nitro cooling it's still behind an average OCed A64 or my FX, believe me.

P-MN is just simply not cost effective for desktop.

DFI's motherboard pics and press release
Endura LS855 Data Sheet
Aopen i855GMEm-LFS

In fact, it could be my next upgrade.

LOL. No 64bit, slower than competing A64 etc - should I point out why would be such upgrade pretty foolish? ;)