Next Generation Hardware Speculation with a Technical Spin [2018]

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You know what, although you have a point - if it cannot do 4k gaming in 2020 the consol would be dead in the water.
They will always advertise 4k no matter through whatever methods to achieve that. Xbox One X was advertised as a "true" 4k system yet not all games are native 4k and it's still alive and kicking. The mainstream would have no idea of realizing that until they start to watch Digitalfoundry, especially when CBR and Temporal Injection are so effective at masking it. So no, consoles would not be dead in the water.
They will always advertise 4k no matter through whatever methods to achieve that. Xbox One X was advertised as a "true" 4k system yet not all games are native 4k and it's still alive and kicking. The mainstream would have no idea of realizing that until they start to watch Digitalfoundry, especially when CBR and Temporal Injection are so effective at masking it. So no, consoles would not be dead in the water.
Just To correct some inconsistencies:

True 4K was never advertised as being native. True4K means 4K UHD Blu Ray, 4K UHD streaming, 4K DVR and 4K broadcasting as well as 4K gaming (dynamic, checkerboard, or native). Coupled with Dolby Atmos.

This was mentioned during the Scorpio E3 hardware walk through. Most people skipped what he was saying and didn’t read the slide.

It was the term they used to separate itself from Xbox One S which supports the 4K playback functions but none of the gaming or recording functions.

There is no way MS or Sony would ever make that claim because any developer can turn graphics to 25 and make the systems die under 720p if they wanted to.

On the flip side Sony or MS could have made them mid gen refreshes 4K native/CBR only. The only requirement is to force mandates onto developers that it must be 4K.

But the result is that you wouldn’t see the best quality or you’d see significantly reduced number of titles.

In the end marketing that the hardware exists that can support 4K and leaving it to developers to choose what looks best, is the best option for consumers.
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HDR is another must have for next gen, I'm speaking just from a marketing stand point.
HDR is a given - it's present this gen. VRR is a hard sell as most people don't know what it means and you can't explain it easily. 4K is a given - it's just an output format. Like last gen was 'HD' and this gen is 'HD' despite many sub-HD titles across platforms. And once again, most people can't tell the difference. High framerate would be the best marketing point IMO, but it's not like we're going to see 120 Hz games or even 120 Hz TVs. 8K may be a moronic sell that brainwashed masses buy into.

Just awesome visuals in 4K is going to be good enough.
HDR is a given - it's present this gen. VRR is a hard sell as most people don't know what it means and you can't explain it easily. 4K is a given - it's just an output format. Like last gen was 'HD' and this gen is 'HD' despite many sub-HD titles across platforms. And once again, most people can't tell the difference. High framerate would be the best marketing point IMO, but it's not like we're going to see 120 Hz games or even 120 Hz TVs. 8K may be a moronic sell that brainwashed masses buy into.

Just awesome visuals in 4K is going to be good enough.
Totaly agree with that'

8k is a tricky one, l dont think its going to be a standard accross the board anytime soon, l thought that was only reserved with screens of 75 inch +.?
Could you imagine 8k 55 inch. I' need to sit two inches away to see the difference.
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Totaly agree with that'

8k is a tricky one, l dont think its going to be a standard accross the board anytime soon, l thought that was only reserved with screens of 75 inch +.?
Could you imagine 8k 55 inch. I' need to sit two inches away to see the difference.
Marketing doesn't care about actually seeing the difference. And you don't need a 8K or 16K screen to label your game as '8K'.

"This is the only console able to produce True 8K downsampling on your screen !"
The Nintendo 64 didn't even have an actual 64bit CPU.
Marketing says what they want.
Marketing doesn't care about actually seeing the difference. And you don't need a 8K or 16K screen to label your game as '8K'.

"This is the only console able to produce True 8K downsampling on your screen !"
reality vs marketing...hense my toy story remark

Graphics is mostly smoke and mirrors!
The Nintendo 64 didn't even have an actual 64bit CPU.
IIRC, it had 64-bit registers and instructions that operated on 64 bits at a time. External data and address buses were cut down though - it was a low-cost chip after all.

The N64 PCB was remarkably clean and uncomplicated. A work of art pretty much.
still believe in the economical sense of a ps4-pro2 much more of a PS5 ... This to be bundled to a 4K@60hz-HDR VR... 16 GB GDDR6 on the same 256 bit bus... 6 TF or even 8 TF @7nm if a cooling system similar to One X is adopted.... Maybe 16 jaguars.... Games runs just by downclocking... Really easy upgrade of existing games and so huge PS4 installed base still a value for Sony....
Issuing repeated small hardware upgrades muddles and fragments the market. I don't see how that would be an attractive proposition to either developers or Sony themselves really.
little to any work needed for upgrading existing games, keeping huge installed base... Strong arguments

and also building up a "bridge" towards a 2023 PS5 that can be only compatible with PS4-pro2 upgraded games but not with vanilla PS4 games
little to any work needed for upgrading existing games, keeping huge installed base... Strong arguments
For what? Arguments that it'd be an easy-to-implement machine, sure. But zero arguments that anyone wants it and it'd be worth the investment.

and also building up a "bridge" towards a 2023 PS5 that can be only compatible with PS4-pro2 upgraded games but not with vanilla PS4 games
You don't want a bridge. The closer next-gen is to this gen, the less impactful it'll be. Why buy a shiny new PS5 when the PS4++ is nearly as good on screen and half the price? The only reason to do what you're suggesting it doing away with generations and having a rolling platform, with every-three-year upgrades or something.
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If next gen machines have enough TF and bandwidth to reach 4K, and they should, using 4K dynamic resolution seems like an overall better solution for developers over CB as it's more universal, likely easier to implement, and more future proof. It can even be used on PC since most PC's aren't Titans and suffer from framerate issues too.
If next gen machines have enough TF and bandwidth to reach 4K, and they should, using 4K dynamic resolution seems like an overall better solution for developers over CB as it's more universal, likely easier to implement, and more future proof. It can even be used on PC since most PC's aren't Titans and suffer from framerate issues too.
Curious to know if reconstruction techniques would be good for DXR based titles for certain conditions or not.
For what? Arguments that it'd be an easy-to-implement machine, sure. But zero arguments that anyone wants it and it'd be worth the investment.

You don't want a bridge. The closer next-gen is to this gen, the less impactful it'll be. Why buy a shiny new PS5 when the PS4++ is nearly as good on screen and half the price? The only reason to do what you're suggesting it doing away with generations and having a rolling platform, with every-three-year upgrades or something.

I want a bridge. It's inherently going to be the smallest gen to gen jump ever realistically, so that's less reason for me to care about sacrificing BC for the highest overall power. Anymore, I just care about frame rate stability and image quality more than pushing the absolute boundaries. Let the developers focus on creativity more than pushing the highest number of polygons and omg it's 10x bigger than skyrim just cause.

To the point where - and I don't know if it's even possible (and probably cost prohibitive) - a 3ghz+ clocked jag with more cores, and a ramped up GCN radeon doesn't sound all that bad if it's for the sake of perfect hardware bc. Perhaps they could tack on some of these new ray tracing components to an older radeon. Certainly, that level of cpu combined with efficiency improvements and cache would be enough to take current game design from 30 to 60fps.

I do agree that one base console, and one "pro" console is enough for one generation, any more iterations between generations or the do away with generations would be holding the industry back and make things needlessly complicated for the consumer.
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I want a bridge. It's inherently going to be the smallest gen to gen jump ever realistically, so that's less reason for me to care about sacrificing BC for the highest overall power. Anymore, I just care about frame rate stability and image quality more than pushing the absolute boundaries. Let the developers focus on creativity more than pushing the highest number of polygons and omg it's 10x bigger than skyrim just cause.

To the point where - and I don't know if it's even possible (and probably cost prohibitive) - a 3ghz+ clocked jag with more cores, and a ramped up GCN radeon doesn't sound all that bad if it's for the sake of perfect hardware bc. Perhaps they could tack on some of these new ray tracing components to an older radeon. Certainly, that level of cpu combined with efficiency improvements and cache would be enough to take current game design from 30 to 60fps.

I do agree that one base console, and one "pro" console is enough for one generation, any more iterations between generations or the do away with generations would be holding the industry back and make things needlessly complicated for the consumer.
I'm fairly positive there are ways to do BC without having to be locked into older hardware. At the very least, during the generation transition, developers will release titles on both platforms. And then... well, there will be uhh easier ports in theory. Perhaps just a recompile of the binary, download and using the disc as a licensing mechanism.
I'm fairly positive there are ways to do BC without having to be locked into older hardware. At the very least, during the generation transition, developers will release titles on both platforms. And then... well, there will be uhh easier ports in theory. Perhaps just a recompile of the binary, download and using the disc as a licensing mechanism.
There are, I just value perfect compatibility for my games rather than 95-99% :p

What Microsoft is doing is extremely impressive, but it's still no replacement for 100% on board bc. I completely understand why most people would choose a lesser form of BC for more power and a fresh start.
I want a bridge. It's inherently going to be the smallest gen to gen jump ever realistically, so that's less reason for me to care about sacrificing BC for the highest overall power.
You don't need to lose BC next-gen. PS5 could be hardware BC with PS4 and notably more powerful, so people actually want to buy it. PS4++ would be less appealing than PS4Pro, which is something like 20% of sales? So a PS4++ might sell to some 4-5% of the PS fanbase, whereas a shiny new PS5 should sell to ~100%. Except when the PS5 is released and PS4++ is the same thing for half the price. Sony will lose their premium revenue and consumers won't be any better off. Unless they suffer from a medical reaction to having to wait, in which case new hardware sooner would be welcome...

Multiple console iterations doesn't work as a business unless you move away from generations and into a rolling platform with frequent updates. If the mid-gen consoles aren't selling so great, and aren't seeing the sort of adoption of the next-gen mobile devices, that suggests it's not a concept that works well in the console market. It's more cost and faff for the console companies for no extra money, so why bother?

I'm sure there's a thread somewhere for discussing iterative consoles. It's another line of discussion that isn't talking about next-gen (PS5, XBToo, Ninteno Swiitchuu) hardware.
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