Retail price doesn't necessarily represent BOM. If the BOM was $500, it won't have been cost reduced any significant amount in three months. Ergo lower prices now represents retailers selling at a lower price. Stock can be sold at a loss if the retailer thinks it in their best interests, and XBox isn't selling well in Europe - chances are the more expensive XB1X is selling abysmally in some countries. Looking at the price at retail doesn't help determine BOM at all without an idea on what the profit margins are.Now the X significantly lowered the price in 3 months.
- all the projections are based on wrong data
- it's just microsoft trying to sell more console at a loss knowing that the reference target will spend lot of money in contents
- blame Obama
If XB1X has a confirmed BOM of $500 at launch, that helps with predictions.
I don't recall many predictions in this thread being based on XB1X's price and BOM. It's mostly been observations as to emerging tech and guesses as to availability and cost, and evaluations of die sizes and transistor counts and stuff. So I really don't think 'everyone' has been using XB1X as the starting point. And if they have, it was a good starting point if, as you say, the BOM was actually confirmed, because we get a clear cost of 6 billion transistors, 360 mm^2, 12 GB GDDR5 etc.