Next-Gen SOCOM annouced: SOCOM: Confrontation

This isn't really all that next gen IMO. Only on the PSN for DL, online only and it just looks like a high res PS2 SOCOM.

SOCOM is being dumped for another IP from Zipper yet to be announced. Just a guess.
Ain't hardly none of these realistic, nor people who want them to be. :p

For the rest of us, there's American Army.
1up reports that they've confirmed with Sony that Zipper is working on a second, different SOCOM game.
i didn't know this, but i assumed they would be working on a different SOCOM game. this is probably like a GT:HD to satisfy SOCOM fans for now.
When is the Socom team or Sony for that matter is going to realize that they aren't making that much money out of this series now that the fan base is dieing out? Sales figure for this series has been slowly declining after each sequel.

While I enjoy the early Socom games, they need to start returning to their roots or put it to rest. Stop adding vehicles. Stop making the map so big that I can't find anybody for the full round.

Do Seals even drive tanks in real life? :???:
Not that this would be a bad thing in and of itself, but it will also be on Blu-ray, like Warhawk.

1up reports that they've confirmed with Sony that Zipper is working on a second, different SOCOM game.

My guess is wrong it seems, thanks for the info. I'm expecting something that looks more like Crysis. Hopefully Zipper can deliver something close to it.
Heres the link to the 1up report..

I find this very interesting. I question why such actions as yielding 2 Socoms by internal company's form Sony. I know Zipper has failed horribly with the last series S3 and CA, But I know with such things as "Trying New Things" they will learn from there mistakes and move on. But I won't complain on having a double chance at making me happy.

But The outcry of disgust from the SOCOM Fan base the last 2 years has been epic, but this has been mainly tied to a huge lack of both game and online support. At least I know now they heard us about the games but Sony really needs to get there act together with customer support for online. Till this day both SOCOM 3 and Combined Assault are bombarded with Cheaters, Glitchers and plagued with online game play issues, with no real community support and lack of any policing by Sony/Zipper they games legitimacy online has tanked and allot of people left because of it.
Till this day both SOCOM 3 and Combined Assault are bombarded with Cheaters, Glitchers and plagued with online game play issues, with no real community support and lack of any policing by Sony/Zipper they games legitimacy online has tanked and allot of people left because of it.

The price of not having a harddrive....
This was released in the Playstation blog on the 3rd.

SOCOM Confrontation has been delayed since I can remember, I recall an interview about calling for a 07 Holiday release middle of last year. Why is the game so delayed? I wonder if integration of Home is responsible for the delay, since Home of course is also delayed in it's release. This blog post does not mention Home integration though like they have stated just recently for Warhawk and Resistance FOM, etc.? It just seems way far off with there orginal "supposed" release date. If any game should have Home integration, it should be SOCOM.

Not the whole story from Sony and SlantSix I know, but any thoughts on the delay?
I'm happy to announce we have finalized our release plans for SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation. On the week of October 14th, you'll be able to pick up one of the following versions of SOCOM: Confrontation in North America.

$59.99 SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation
(Bundle Version)

Includes SOCOM Confrontation, a newly designed Bluetooth® Headset for the PLAYSTATION®3 system and exclusive Behind the Scenes videos.

$39.99 SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation
(Stand Alone Version)

For all of the people who want SOCOM: Confrontation on a disc. Does not include the headset or the Behind the Scenes videos.

$39.99 SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation on the
PlayStation Network

SOCOM Confrontation downloadable from the PSN without ever leaving you couch. Does not include the headset or the Behind the Scenes videos.

Details for the rest of the world will be announced by the regional Sony Computer Entertainment offices, but our goal is to have a simultaneous world wide release.

Let the preordering begin!
The official SOCOM website has a wealth of information about the game. Didn't realize that until today. Here's one of the recent Q&As they've done that has some interesting info:

[font=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Can the proximity chat be turned off? Will the player be able to turn it off and just use PTT?[/font]
[font=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Proximity chat is always on. If you don’t want to give away your position or that of your team then you will have to use your mic tactically, whisper into the mic or otherwise be aware of your position relative to the enemy.[/font]

[font=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Since there will be a weight factor concerning weapons and such, if you shoot and your ammo decreases, does your speed increase? Same with throwing grenades, smokes, etc.[/font]
[font=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]The encumbrance system is completely real-time, and updates as you expend ordnance such as grenades and rockets.[/font]

The site is integrated into the PS Underground, which is now integrated into PSN, allowing for uniform login. The dev team appears to be heavily focused on communication with the fanbase, with numerous post just simply addressing concerns and questions. I wonder if they have a dedicated community relations team (or person).
I have been waiting for the demo coz I heard some good things about Socom (and played a little on PSP). I want to see how it works, just to have a glimpse of mini-MAG group games.

It's a bummer that they don't offer headset discount (coupon) for the PSN version. That would be a good way to grow the talking player base.

I am inclined to get the PSN version just because it is much more convenient to play. And I can switch games together with the party -- without swapping disc -- in the future Home spaces.
Unless the PSN version was $30 or less I don't see the point. You cannot sell or lend it out. You get no case, manual or disc and you pay the same amount. I did the PSN version for Warhawk, but I would not do it again.

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