"The Xbox 360 is a wonderful machine and we can do a ton more, but one thing that hasn't changed is the dvd transfer speed," Producer Jacques Hennequet explained. "It's become the new soundbarrier."
And all that data has to come from somewhere, Turner explained. Even with games like Saints Row utilizing 90% of the 360's processing power, even with advanced development tools not available to true first generation 360 titles, even with more efficient coding that programmers are bound to design, titles on the 360 (and PS3 for that matter) will always be limited by the narrow bandwidth of DVD technology.
I asked if a bigger hard drive might be a solution - even in this generation of consoles. "Even the hard drive is not going to be fast enough," he replied.
But despite the bandwidth limitations, Volition feels optimistic for the future of the Xbox 360 platform.
"We have tons of room to grow," Turner promises. "From first to second generation it's not even hard."