New Spidey 2 trailer

Joe DeFuria said:
Whether it sucks or not is not my point. (Though I though Superman 2 wasn't bad at all....Sperman started to tank with 3....)

My point is, we have another "I will give up my hero status to persue something even higher and nobler, like love....but then at some point realize that being a hero is actually higher and nobler than my selfish desire for self-pleasure, and that I have to come to grips with the fact that I can't have my cake and eat it too...." plot line.

In the books Parker's reaction was largely driven by the negative public backlash his heroics were receiving, thanks to JJJ villifying him in the Daily Bugle, rather than selfish reasons. And his heroics were severely affecting his 'normal' life (school grades, money, love life, etc.). It's not selfish to want a normal, not-exhausted-24/7 life.
John Reynolds said:
In the books Parker's reaction was largely driven by the negative public backlash his heroics were receiving, thanks to JJJ villifying him in the Daily Bugle, rather than selfish reasons.

1) Not doing something because of negative public backlash is selfish

And his heroics were severely affecting his 'normal' life (school grades, money, love life, etc.). It's not selfish to want a normal, not-exhausted-24/7 life.

2) It is when you have superhero powers.

which brings me to

3) This is a friggin moview comic book character, about which I was making a joke via comparison to another movie about another comic book characer. Who really gives a crap? 8)
Joe DeFuria said:
3) This is a friggin moview comic book character, about which I was making a joke via comparison to another movie about another comic book characer. Who really gives a crap? 8)

Hehe, I almost wrote something similar in my last post.

I remember when I was 24 or so sitting on a friend's back porch drinking a few beers. A couple of the guys my age got into an argument over who would win in a fight: Galactus or the Watcher. I swear to God. I got up and left, shaking my head.
Is the Iliad any less impressive knowing that the forces of Troy will be defeated by a big wooden horse?


But this is different, you want to be surprised and kept guessing when something isn't based off a story etc already known.

I'm sure I'll enjoy spiderman and still be somewhat surprised, but this is different they could have hid some of the plot just showing the scenes without as much dialogue and commentary.

I remember when I was 24 or so sitting on a friend's back porch drinking a few beers. A couple of the guys my age got into an argument over who would win in a fight: Galactus or the Watcher. I swear to God. I got up and left, shaking my head.

it depends which Galactus. I would say Watcher, because he's been out doing loads of research and knows a lot. Which puts Gal... Ah crap!

I think the movie will be good fun. The first one was good, it could have been better if they amplified or concentrated more on the dark undertones. This movie might do it better, lets hope. So far except for maybe Daredevil I've liked the Marvel films, mind you I didn't want Daredevil because Ben Afleck ruins every single movie he's in unless it's got Matt Damon in it -- Good Will hunting for instance. Additionally, I don't like Jennifer Gard... whatever. She's just a flavour of the month and far too immaciated for my tastes.
Geeforcer said:
Tagrineth said:
speng said:
Trailers nowadays give away all the plot...a shame .

This one does that the only thing you're going to the movie for is to see how it unfolds and the action.


Is the Iliad any less impressive knowing that the forces of Troy will be defeated by a big wooden horse?

They were? Noooo! Where was the spoiler warning? I though Hector and Paris would slay the Ajax, Achilles, Menelaus, Agamemnon and Odysseus and sent the Greeks fleeing for their lives. Way to ruin the book for me.
for some reason, this struck me as quite funny. I literally LOL'ed.
speng said:
Trailers nowadays give away all the plot...a shame .
Isn't the problem rather that movies nowadays often have plots that are so simple and meaningless, they can be told in a 60 second trailer?

Whatever happened to the term "story" anyway. It used to mean something different than "a random collection of rehashed plot elemends trying to give the illusion of depth and continuity to 650 effects shots in a row" sometime...

Not trying to bash Spidey in particular here, its a comic come to life so I'm not expecting Shakespeare. It'll sure be fun!
Isn't the problem rather that movies nowadays often have plots that are so simple and meaningless, they can be told in a 60 second trailer?


I like coming away from a movie and going "oh..."and it's only revealed in the last 10-15 minutes.

The Hours
Sixth Sense

RE the trailer, I had to download Quicktime6, since I got no audio with the QTAlternative drivers.. anyone else have this issue?

Quicktime is the son of satan.
PARANOiA said:
RE the trailer, I had to download Quicktime6, since I got no audio with the QTAlternative drivers.. anyone else have this issue?

Quicktime is the son of satan.
I have QTalternative installed and it worked fine.