New sony online gaming survey....

Bad_Boy said:
Does anybody else feel like what Sony has been trying to do with the PSP will be better fulfilled by the PS3 as much as I do? If you think about it, Sony's PSP online and other features are heck of a alot better than the PS2's features, and its a handheld for crying out loud. I think alot of features of the PSP will be ported over, "console style" if you will, to the ps3, and then some. (im referring to Cross Media bar, updatable firmware, web browser, lan and infrastructure online incorporated on most if not all games, downloadable content like wipeout, easy transferable gamesaves, ...and then some with incorperation of xbox live features, and eyetoy/headset features)

Can anyone tell me, how "quirky" the PSP online element is? What I'd want is a stable system, with a well designed interface that works consistently across all it's features.
I agree with you on this though. To my casual and relatively uncaring eyes there seems to have been a lot of circumstantial evidence in the past few months: DNLA (although not as directly relevant) & Connect of course.
If they offer some of these features without subscription, it will be nice.

In particular, keyboard (and mouse) support for game control across all games would be a key differentiation from Xbox. MS has said keyboard only for text input, no game control.

MS also probably won't offer a browser in-game, because that's replicating too many PC functions, which could cannibalize some PC sales. But Sony wouldn't have such concerns.

I know that some people I meet up with by email or AIM to play a game often have to log off to go online, either because they don't have a router or they don't have their computer by their TV. So being able to set up games from within the console would be a boon to some people.

Once again, no subscriptions and they could add whatever they want or not.
wco81 said:
In particular, keyboard (and mouse) support for game control across all games would be a key differentiation from Xbox. MS has said keyboard only for text input, no game control.

I wouldn't have a problem with that, so long as mouse users are seperated from controller users.
Do you guys really think that the general public is screaming for KB/Mouse support for games on a console? Sure WE all care about it becuase people on this forum are mostly likely PC gamers AS WELL as console gamers.

Do you really think that people cant wait to rest a mouse/kb awkwardly on their lap or hunched over a coffee table instead of sitting back relaxed on the sofa? Console gaming is a 10ft sofa experience, not a 2ft sitting at a desk experience. I think the general population really wont care about picking up an additional KB/mouse for their console so they can play a minority % of games a little better with ergonomics that are a lot worse.
wco81 said:
In particular, keyboard (and mouse) support for game control across all games would be a key differentiation from Xbox. MS has said keyboard only for text input, no game control.

I thought I recall seeing a mini-keyboard attachment to the X360 controller (PDA style)... A keyboard sure would be nice for text input anyhow. It's one of the things I dread about profile creation for every new game on the Xbox. I'm glad they made a universal profile scheme for the X360.
Keyboard and mouse will do at least as well as those steering wheels. Should cost a lot less and easier to use than having to mount the steering wheels and pedals near a TV.

No it won't be for the masses but who cares?

The cost to add a generic USB keyboard and mouse isn't high at all.

If they come out with surfing applications, it will catch on. Not 50% but maybe 10-20% to start.