New MP3 player

zurich said:

Why deviate from the masses...? (Though I may be biased, *cough!*)

It's just the whole iThing with the iPods, iEveryone has them it iKinda iPisses me iOff. And iEverything has to iHave a iFreaking "i" at the iBeginning, iTunes, iPhoto, iThis, iThat... so iAnnoying
london-boy said:
It's just the whole iThing with the iPods, iEveryone has them it iKinda iPisses me iOff. And iEverything has to iHave a iFreaking "i" at the iBeginning, iTunes, iPhoto, iThis, iThat... so iAnnoying

A good product is a good product, even if it's an iProduct!

I don't know, I've stuck with the iPod/iTunes combo and never have to "fight" with my MP3 player. A buddy of mine had an original iPod, then rebelled and tried Creative, and more recently his Palm Treo. Seeing how he manages his songs, etc. just looks irritating. I come home, plop my iPod Mini in its dock, iTunes automatically syncs my library and adds any new songs, and it's good to go. Same goes the other way, if I download a new song, iTunes will automatically add it to my library and my iPod. It's just effortless.
I would go with the Iaudio X5 or the X5L (Can you say 35 hours of battery life?!?). The Archos gmini 400 has also come down in price a lot, and might be worth it if you're into playing video, although the battery life is only around 10 hours and it doesn't have USB host, (althought the gmini 402 does). For smaller players, the Rio Carbon (5-6gb) generally gets rave reviews. My girlfriend is currently looking into purchasing a Motorola M500 5gb, which is basically the same as the Carbon in a motorola casing with a bigger battery and FM recording instead of voice recording. It's also hella cheap right now.
I bought an Iriver last week - the 40gb H340. I highly recommend it.

The sound quality is superb. I thought it sounded a bit flat at first, but that was before I fiddled with the equaliser settings in any detail. I'm not a huge audiophile, but I have decent standards, and I was blown away. So much so my girlfriend - a real tight-ass who hates my "gadget-buying" habits - went out and got one too (20gb version). I think that's a real sign that it can wow the average user with the quality difference in sound. The pack in headphones are small Sennheiser buds, which I've never used but Megan actually commented that she can't go back to her old Sony 'buds. (I have Sennheiser HD280 pros, external noise dampeners).

To top it off, it has a colour screen which can show images and play movies! Movies have to be encoded specifically, but there's heaps of free software on the net to do the job. Movies on the go might not be something you'll use a lot, but when the similar-priced Ipod doesn't do it, it's a no-brainer to me.

It's plug+play with Windows 2000 and XP. Your device comes up as a hard drive. It can store files for transfer on any WinXP/2k pc without drivers.

It supports "USB on the go" which means I can plug my camera into it and transfer files off of it. I'm going to Japan next month, and I'll easily fill my 1gb SD card. Now I can transfer them all to my Iriver on the go as it fills!

Inbuilt voice recorder in either MP3 or WAV. It also has microphone support (comes with a small mic). I bootleged a concert last night with it, and while I wouldn't say it was great, it was easily on par with other bootlegs you find on the net.

Finally, there's a decent-sized community developing for it. A Rockbox project is in the works, which actually looks like it will support GNUboy! That's also going to mean it's a Gameboy. Try for more user-information.

To the fellow complaining about Iriver's volume levels, make sure you have updated firmware. Like a number of other players on the market, it's a "safety" feature. Safety can sod-off, thank you, I like my music LOUD. With my headphones flipped out, I use my iriver for external music at work.

If you've got any questions, I'll be happy to help answer them. But keep them in mind - you don't seem to be considering it as a serious option, which I think is a big mistake.

Thanks Paranoia,

But as i said, i really just need music.

It's not in my hands anymore, my mate is buying me either the HD5 or the iPod photo, i left it in his hands. Much easier. In the end i'll be happy either way.
london-boy said:
It's just the whole iThing with the iPods, iEveryone has them it iKinda iPisses me iOff. And iEverything has to iHave a iFreaking "i" at the iBeginning, iTunes, iPhoto, iThis, iThat... so iAnnoying

Check out the Motorola m500, if you can get past its looks...

This thing holds 5 gigs, the battery lasts 20+ hours (no bullshit), is REPLACEABLE WITH OFF THE SHELF MOTOROLA CELLPHONE BATTERIES($25), and requires no retarded rights management software or any of that crap... shows up as a mass storage device..

I'm considering buying another one to rob the drive out of it and use in my cameras...
PC-Engine said:
I'm using the E4Cs. They're slighty better than the E3C both on the low end and high end. I purchased mine for $200, but you could probably find them for around $180 at some places. I really can't say if it's worth the extra cost over the E3Cs for you since the E3Cs are already very good sounding canalphones and can be found for around $110. Extremetech did a comparison of some canalphones including the E3 and E4.,1558,1830668,00.asp

Anyway check this out. It's hilarious.:LOL:

Ordered the E3c's... Hopefully I'll be satisfied with them :)
i just got a my hd5 about 10 days ago and it's great.i've charged i once and i'm keeping track of how long i have it on, so far i've had around 37 hours of playback and the power indecator just went down from full to 3/4.seems like the 40 hour battery life is about right. Before i always used my girlfrends 20gb ipod and found it annoying having to charge it every 6-8 hours. the sound quality is definitely better, well not by much but you can have it at a much higher volume. mind you her ipod is 3rd gen not 4th.
carpediem said:
Ordered the E3c's... Hopefully I'll be satisfied with them :)

Good god those things are expensive. I'm sorry but earplugs costing the best part of what the player itself cost just feels... wrong...
london-boy said:
Good god those things are expensive. I'm sorry but earplugs costing the best part of what the player itself cost just feels... wrong...

A bad set of earplugs can also ruin the whole experience of a pricey MP3 player. No matter how much you pay for the player, if the earplugs are bad, you will get crappy sound.
carpediem said:
A bad set of earplugs can also ruin the whole experience of a pricey MP3 player. No matter how much you pay for the player, if the earplugs are bad, you will get crappy sound.

Yeah i know but there's many shades of grey between crap and way-too-expensive...
Deepak said:
Thanks PCE. And how about the best 512MB mp3 player? When should one go for a flash based and an HDD based mp3 player? Thanks!

That model is sold in 256MB, 512MB, 1GB, and 2GB capacities. The 1GB and 2GB models are black, the 256MB is red, and the 512MB is grey. The 512MB is only $15 more than the 256MB version at Newegg. Anyway the main difference between the flash and HDD player is the capacity and size. If you want something really small about the size of a cigarette lighter then you go with flash. HDD based players start at around $200 so cost of entry is higher than flash based players.