Nope you're not. Laugh all you want, but I still have not figured out the controls entirely yet. I still play the demos in between Resistance and MotoStorm "fixes". Every time I fire up the demo, I still find myself getting distracted by the scenery and small objects.
Then again, I also play the hack-n-slash Diablo for months on.
These days, my playtime is highly fragmented. I don't think I will be able to finish the game (or any game) in 1 sitting.
On a related note...
Needless to say, I will be pimping this game to all my visitors. If they are supremely impressed by MotorStorm now, Heavenly Sword and Lair are going to shock them silly.
I am sure some of the more disturbed friends will also try to look for the elusive up skirt shot too.
We may be picky about the scores, but these casual friends I have won't mind one bit. I mean the 3/10 Super-rub-a-dub (IGN score) was the second most favored game over here. Ninja Gaiden got the cold shoulder, Resistance was too fast for them (Noobs !), The Darkness pissed them off (Me too), and GTHD lost out to MotorStorm by a wide margin.
Either they are crazy... or just different.