New Halo 2 screenshot



God dam!
32X AA.. ouchers!

I see two things from these screenshots. One is the animation of the characters looks to be amazing, just judging from the way the character in the background is slouching whilst walking. I appreciate I haven't seen it running but that is what my mind's eye tells me.

Secondly the characters sure do have big noses! :D
There's no 32X AA in there. the scree shot released was HUGE. Everyone scaled it down to somehting easier to move around..
ok but what I said is stil correct. The screen shot released was at a resoloution of 3840 x 2880 and it didn't have any AA. It's just the scaling down of the image in something like photoshop that has given it an AA look.
You realize that some programs do employ AA when using the scale down function, right?

That pic doesn't look like a simple scale down.
Tahir said:
One is the animation of the characters looks to be amazing, just judging from the way the character in the background is slouching whilst walking.

Funny that you're now giving critique of the animation in a still frame... :LOL:

Like Cybamerc, I noticed the shadow maps, but I didn't think of the floor until he pointed it out. Personally, I don't think shadow maps will be that much of an issue (they have soft edges which is a plus compared to stencil volumes), though they can get damn blocky which really stands out when things move and the shadow map changes every frame. Makes the low-ish resolution more noticeable.

In all, a good trade-off though I have to say. I wish Doom3 allowed stencil volumes to be switched for shadow maps, it would probably speed up older hardware one heck of a mine, heh!

Funny that you're now giving critique of the animation in a still frame...
Tahir acknowledged this conflict and gave the rationale for his interpretation, making your comment totally unecessary. Ironically, the signature that follows his posts should've clued you in to the concept of your oversight:

"Superfluous: Unnecessary; useless; exuberant; excessive; redundant; needless"
Why on earth do Halo (and many other games) have aliens and 'marines' that wear super shiny, bright coloured armours :?
You'd think that is so very inpractical at combat.
Haven't they heard of camouflage.

Of the screenshot posted; It is obvious that is not in-game, but more like a high resolution concept rendering.
Though Halo2 will likely look much like it, apart from image quality (resolution, AA)
:oops: hmmmm....H2....hmmm.. :oops:

Hires AA screenshots are nothing new. H2 would look pretty good in game without a doubt. hwwmmmmm.. :oops:
Did they reuse the floor texture from the original ?

Or is this screen the PC version of the original ?

Either way its looking good.

Did they really switch to Shadow Map ? Or are they going to mix them ?
chaphack said:
:oops: hmmmm....H2....hmmm.. :oops:

Hires AA screenshots are nothing new. H2 would look pretty good in game without a doubt. hwwmmmmm.. :oops:
Sure they aren't, but a high-res concept rendering is nothing to drool over. At least as far as the final, finished game is concerned.
Lazy8s said:
Tahir acknowledged this conflict and gave the rationale for his interpretation, making your comment totally unecessary.

Alright, who pissed in your cornflakes this morning huh?

Take some of your own medicine next time before posting, alright? If Tahir have something to object with my ironic comment I'm sure he'll let me know (you did see the smiley even though you edited it out of the quote, right?), I doubt he needs any armchair quarterbacking advice by way of you.

bleh... this game sucks hell in the design departement..but halo is not about art nor design, it's about fun gameplay.

If only Bungie could drop that pixel shading non sense,and bring up 60 fps ineractive fest !, i'll be more than happy ....

just opinion ,no trolling 8)

> Did they really switch to Shadow Map ? Or are they going to mix them ?

Well, the X02 demo was using stencils. And so was the E3 demo IIRC (perhaps with the odd map here and there). In this pic they're using maps ffor most objects. With some projected geometry on the BG it would seem.
I'm not sure. The shadow in the background on the wall seems sharp to me.

Maybe it's an artifact from downscaling and compression.

It's hardly unusual to mix different techniques. Perhaps they found stencils too expensive and impractical since a lot of levels will take place in the outside.