Sage said:even uglier.
Plese show us a couple of girls you consider beautiful, just being curious here.
Russ: LOL!!!
Sage said:even uglier.
Humus said:
Sage said:
Diplo said:Norah Jones has a brilliant voice and some of her music is very good, though it does veer toward the bland side. Then again, I wouldn't expect heavy metal fans to understand subtly or beauty I really don't care whether she is beautiful or "fat as a whale", either. Isn't it about time we judged female singers on their voices and not their looks?
L233 said:Sage said:
Looks like a creepy, androgynous alien.
Sage said:a) thats my art you're talking about
b) that's a pic of my friend (whom I have more-than-friendly intentions with)
L233 said:Sage said:a) thats my art you're talking about
b) that's a pic of my friend (whom I have more-than-friendly intentions with)
Look, I am sure she's pretty and all but I guess you can make everyone look like a creepy androgynous alien when you take a black and white pic, apply some smoothen filters and then photochop creepy, dead, neon-blue eyes into it.
rabidrabbit said:Listen, you heterosexuals.
A pretty face does not a diva make.
rabidrabbit said:Listen, you heterosexuals.
A pretty face does not a diva make.
rabidrabbit said:A "z" on the name does give you some +diva points.
Basic said:sage:
She's a friends of yours, and that puts her in a completely different cathegory for several reasons. For instance, you know that she looks like that (or close to that) on a ordinary day, without the help of a proffessional make up artist. And when you see her, you also see the personality you like. Those things will make her prettier. But not for us who don't know her.
So my (cold?) classification would be: hot chick - nope, nice girlfriend look - yes.