New computer time! help me decide on parts to buy...


Its time for a new computer. Im going to buy all the parts through New Egg. I have a good idea on the things I want but still need some help. Help me decide on what specific parts to buy.

I have a budget of $1000. There are several things I dont need, such as a video card, speakers, keyboard, mouse, and monitor.



AMD Athlon XP 3200+ "Barton", 400MHz FSB, 512K Cache Processor - Retail

Or I might get:

AMD Athlon 64 3400+, 512k L2 Cache, The Only 64-bit Windows Compatible Processor - Retail

This is more expensive but it says its Windows Compatible. Is it backwards compatible? Does it work with Windows XP 32 bit? I want to know because If I got this I would be ready for windows longhorn and the next 64 bit generation.



I want an nforce2 or nforce3 mobo, nforce3 is better right? By how much though? Like will I notice better preformance with nforce3?

Are motherboards somthing to spend more money on or less money on?

Im not sure if Im going to need a different mobo if i get the 64 bit processor, anyone want to clarify this?

Also the mobo must be AGP, because my video card is AGP. Plus if I upgrade, I will buy another agp card.



I want a 7200 or higher rpm harddrive somewhere around 120 gigs. whats a good brand and other stuff you look for in a harddrive.



I want an aluminum case with lots of fans for maximum air flow. the lian li cases look good. However Im not looking to spend a fortune on a case thats made from the same meterial I drink out of.

Also case does not have to have a power supply because...



I want a good power supply, probably an Antec. Has to be 450 watts or higher.



Im pretty familiar with what to get for a sound card.


Im not sure if I need anything else. I know that Im not going to overclock anything, unless I get an overclockable video card. But is it still important to have temp displays and a glass case side to monitor the heat of the machine? help me out on this.
$130 motherboard: msi k8n neo2 939 link
$320 cpu: AMD Athlon 64 3500+ link
for harddrive go to go to the "hot deals forum" search with "gb" and get a good deal on a hdd.
$50 powersupply: any, go to and look at their powersupply forum.

you still have enough to get a good case, and other goodies.

let me know if you need anything else.

Swordfish said:
Or I might get:

AMD Athlon 64 3400+, 512k L2 Cache, The Only 64-bit Windows Compatible Processor - Retail

This is more expensive but it says its Windows Compatible. Is it backwards compatible? Does it work with Windows XP 32 bit? I want to know because If I got this I would be ready for windows longhorn and the next 64 bit generation.



I want an nforce2 or nforce3 mobo, nforce3 is better right? By how much though? Like will I notice better preformance with nforce3?

Are motherboards somthing to spend more money on or less money on?

Im not sure if Im going to need a different mobo if i get the 64 bit processor, anyone want to clarify this?

Yes, the Athlon 64 will run 32-bit software (including Windows XP) without a problem. It will need a different motherboard (Socket 939 for the A64 vs Socket A for the XP).

For the Athlon 64, both the nforce3 and VIA K8T800 based motherboards are good performers, though the nforce3 based boards have a slight edge. Whether you'll notice a difference in regular use is debateable.

Th only reason buy an Athlon XP at this point is if you're really strapped for cash - which you don't appear to be.
thegrommit said:
It will need a different motherboard (Socket 939 for the A64 vs Socket A for the XP).
small quibble, there are 3 sockets that support the A64: 757, 940, 939. Everyone should only buy the 939 version, it will last longer(used longer).

great! Im totally getting that mobo for sure!

Another question I have is:

nforce3 150

nforce3 pro 150

nforce3 250

nforce3 ultra

What are the differences and what ones the best?
great! I got my mobo, got my processor.

All I need now is a case, harddrive, psu shouldnt be to hard to choose, and whats some good RAM to get. I need a gig for sure.
Hey I think Im going to go with the:

AMD Athlon 64 3200+, 512k L2 Cache, The Only 64-bit Windows Compatible Processor – Retail

its alot cheaper. Im also going to need a different mobo because it says the 3200+ cpu is socket 754 and your neo2 platinum up there says socket 939.

so Ill get this mobo?:

MSI nForce3 250 Chipset Motherboard for AMD Athlon 64 Socket 754 CPU, Model "K8N Neo Platinum" (MS-7030) -RETAIL
Heres what Ive come up with!


AMD Athlon 64 3200+, 512k L2 Cache, The Only 64-bit Windows Compatible Processor – Retail


MSI nForce3 250 Chipset Motherboard for AMD Athlon 64 Socket 754 CPU, Model "K8N Neo Platinum" (MS-7030) –RETAIL



550watt@$103 or 450watt@$62

You should go with what Epic recommended ie the 939 MSI board. You can get an Athlon 64 3000+ socket 939 for around $200. The 939 gives you a 2GHz HT bus while the 754 on gives you a 800MHz bus.
It's hard to overlook an S939. S940 will introduce dual cores next year, but the cost of ECC for home use is high. The A64 3200+ 0.9u S939 is very interesting, but lack of PCIE chipsets is tempering my enthusiasm. This combo with 6900/X900 will be hot sellers over the next two quarters.