Simon F said:I don't see that necessarily the case. For a small neighbourhood of pixels, each wavelet transform only requires a small foot-print of low frequency + delta values. You can cache a small set of these values from each "level" of the frequency heirarchy and maintain quite reasonable coherence - AFAICS. You just gradually update this data as you scan through the compressed image.MfA said:Getting optimum memory locality out of wavelet transforms is an extremely painfull excercise, and afterwards it is of course still slow compared to block transforms.
I didnt say it was impossible, I said it was painfull ... especially if you throw SIMD and lifting into the mix too.
It will always be less efficient than a block transform which can keep all the data it needs in registers.
Ha. I suppose we could throw BWT into the mixture as wellHell I think transform coding is not needed at all ... Simon should add VQ to PVR-TC (for the colour and modulation maps) and beat JPEG-2000 silly
Nahh, just stick to arithmetic coding with a nice context model, I dont like voodoo
I've also only used linear wavelets as a means of implementing a low-pass filter that's close to "the ideal filter" for linear reconstruction but much cheaper.
I seriously doubt the "ideal" filter would look all that ideal ... as I quipped somewhere else, it is a pity someone famous hasnt written on how "pixels are not little sincs".