New 3d card features in 2006 - THG

Richteralan said:
Well, after I read that article, I think most of the features it mentioned already appeared in 2005:?:

Some of the features actually appeared before 2005 . The article is just poor . If anything the title should say 'New Mainstream Features For 2006' of something .
Indeed... Halo 2 had a warped effect when firing the gauss cannon or shooting jackal shields/shield emplacements. Mechassault 2 had those insane explosions and warped effects with the PPC etc. Heat waves were quite prominent with the flame thrower in Painkiller or other heat events in Doom 3. Bullet time screen warping can go as far back as Max Payne 2 in 2003. Splinter Cell vision modes... Splinter Cell. :p Water effects -> Far Cry.

Could have been worded differently, but I did enjoy the screenshot comparisons.
Blazkowicz_ said:
Nice pictures to look at, but really, what a load of bullshit we have there..

Hell, my voodoo 1 does transparent water in Quake 1 !

Ever heard for reflection, refraction, specularity, depth fogging/depth lightning not to mention pixel shaded waves and bottom deformations seen through water waves etc ?
I'm very sure you can't see any of these on Voodoo 1.
"Transparency" was also done even before Voodoo chips using dithering (like empty space between pixels to simulate material but like one that you can see through...).
I've quoted transparency because it wasn't exactly a transparency which we know today (alpha blending).
4D Sports Racing (aka Stunts) from far far year 1990 was using this technique for loop track element and roof of cilinder tunnels with obsticle plus few othe things...
To do the parallax mapping you only need the ability to arbitrary read the texture in the shader. It would possibly work even on GF3... I still remember how this guy(don't remember the name) who discovered teh parallax mapping posted his idea on teh OpenGL forum. I wonder if he got something out of it(since everyone seem sto be doing teh parallax mapping stuff now).
The article is not good...