New (29 Sept) Untold Legends PS3 screens

I'm not sure if there's a big enough font to display the "meh" I feel, but there's always the chance the gameplay itself can redeem itself somehow.
Did they change the resolution from 1080p to 720p? Because they look more than ugly already even without the reduced resolution.
thats the ugliest game for ps3 period :???:
I wouldnt say its worse than sega's golf game. :LOL:

Its not impressive at all, but for SOE I'd say this is probably there best looking game yet. (but thats obviously not saying much)
Looks really bad. It's like Sony gave dev kits to some amateur hobbyists or student programmers and designers.
Looks to be about on par with Dungeon Siege II (2005 game based on a 2002 engine) graphically, though I imagine the gameplay will be far less interesting...
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I've said it before and I'll say it again, this game is worthless without a dynamic lighting engine. In dark environments such as these, the lights from spells make the game visually come alive. And this game has none of it. I can't think of any reason not too, other than poor programming ability. Heck, they haven't even got shadows in that bottom pic.
I hope it plays a lot better than it looks...

coz you know...

it's looking...

not really pretty right now...


this is a really, really, really early part of it's development
I thought it was a launch title. I don't think things will be much improved. Outside scenes don't look so bad as they have some vegetation etc. But these dungeon pics are so barren.
Just what gamers have been waiting for: an ugly Diablo clone that takes place entirely in sewers and caves that are inexplicably littered with crates.
Just what gamers have been waiting for: an ugly Diablo clone that takes place entirely in sewers and caves that are inexplicably littered with crates.

After two great titles for SOE by Snowblind (Champions series), SOE apparently decided they could do a better job themselves and as a result we have two horrible PSP titles and now this mess.
I don't know that they decided they could do better on their own. SB are tied up with Justice League:Heroes at the moment and have something (I think next-gen) with Activision IIRC. Other dev teams with experience of this type of game (not particularly great IMO) are also tied up with other projects. You can't begrudge SOE wanting to expand and port the reasonably appreciated UL games to PS3. And the genre is under-represented, so yes, some people will want a 'Diablo clone in cave with crates*', though I'm sure they'd have a better looking option if available!

*The barrel smashing in BG : DA was one of the best gaming moments I've ever had. A friend and I started coop, popped down the cellar, and just started vandelising the place :devilish: