Naughty Dog's New IP (Pics)

Ah dont mind him much, He once said god of war didnt require any skill lol. I wouldnt take his comments too seriously. This game looks amazing, period. Hell, for me personally, I'd say it easily fits in the top 10 best looking next gen console games. As for being generic, which is basically defined as "Relating to or descriptive of an entire group or class; general." depends on how you look at it. Basically its far from being generic as the devs have described its far from a huge muscle bound bald soldier with heavy armor which seems to be becoming the norm. I for one am glad naughty dog is seperating themselves from the pack.
zed said:
true from a cursory glance it doesnt but if u look close mostly is (and why not pushing polys is easy).
worry aspect though are the crates here etc
gameplay not considered
but we could be looking at an entry in the top10 on
(edit after some wine) wow, looking a bit more, some of the shots have me wondering is this cgi?
technically (like killsone2 trailer) its certainly possible, but if they're able to pull this off so early in the consoles lifecycle is amazing

If memory serves me right, awhile back there was an article stating that Sony's Naughty Dog was the furthest along in terms of working with the PlayStation 3 hardware and knowlegde of the hardware itself.

I expect to see PlayStation 3 be exploited slowly like the PlayStation 2, ultimately giving amazing visuals 3 years into its life cycle. :smile:
dodo3 said:
If memory serves me right, awhile back there was an article stating that Sony's Naughty Dog was the furthest along in terms of working with the PlayStation 3 hardware and knowlegde of the hardware itself.
Which potentially means the rest of sony's first party companies could be getting the benefits from that...

IGN: Insomniac and Naughty Dog have a history of sharing assets and technology. Is that the case this time as well? Does Resistance and this game work on similar stuff?

Wells: With the introduction of the SCE Worldwide Studio there has been an increased sharing effort between the internal teams. It extends far beyond Naughty Dog and Insomniac this time and I think you'll see a lot of first party titles that reap these benefits.
:) nice to hear they are all sharing information to better the whole.

with lair, getaway, R&C, resistance, and this title all looking spiffy....kinda makes you wonder how the next gen socom is looking these days.
Bobbler said:
Oddly, that is exactly why I think the game has some promise. It isn't a Lara game or an Indy game or anything else that we've seen dozens of, it's a new character/ip by one of (in my opinion) best developers for the last two generations. I like the character, he is "ordinary" and not some crazy hero that's been in half a dozen games already.

I can safely say my interest wouldn't be nearly as great if it was an Indy game or a Lara game (although I would still be interested, because its an ND game).

I don't know... if it looks normal, the gameplay, story and/or character of this game has to be real good to draw the user into it. I sincerely hope that they are very far along those directions :)

Although I should not judge the game hastily from the trailer, I already started to brand the game based on the jungle and the usual thugs in the trailer (Reminds me of the last Tomb Raider movie).

Other than that, I agree with everyone else's positive comments about Daughty Dog.
Because it looks "generic" might have something to do with the fact that it's set in a "real world" environment, with "real world" objects, not in scifi space or fantasy settings where objects and environments are more imaginative.
It's like saying all racing games look generic, if they're not fantasy or scifi racers.

The look is delibrately a bit cartoonish, with exaggerated lighting and colour.
It's a matter of taste if you like it or not, just as I might say I don't like the look of Gears Of War or other similar games, because of the distinguished look.
rabidrabbit said:
Because it looks "generic" might have something to do with the fact that it's set in a "real world" environment, with "real world" objects, not in scifi space or fantasy settings where objects and environments are more imaginative.
It's like saying all racing games look generic, if they're not fantasy or scifi racers.

The look is delibrately a bit cartoonish, with exaggerated lighting and colour.
It's a matter of taste if you like it or not, just as I might say I don't like the look of Gears Of War or other similar games, because of the distinguished look.

to me it's just the color seems a bit dull I think it should be more vibrant. the thing that bothers me the most is the main character, he looks a little to happy to be running through the jungle getting shot at, but I'm sure he will have better facial expressions before the game is done
pegisys said:
to me it's just the color seems a bit dull I think it should be more vibrant. the thing that bothers me the most is the main character, he looks a little to happy to be running through the jungle getting shot at, but I'm sure he will have better facial expressions before the game is done

Did you see this trailer? I thought it looked great. The animations are really good.
hm, I don't know if I'm looking at the same video, but to me the character doesn't look "happy", he has quite a serious expression most of the time. Actually he as many expressions and none of them seemed happy to me.
Not as "badass" stone face as those Gears Of War space marines surely, but to me his expressions looked ok. He did look more angy than happy.

But his hair does stay in good condition despite all the fighting, and clothes too :)

Edit: I see one scene where he has kinda "wry" smile in the trailer, but that's the only place I see it. Maybe the impression some get he's too happy is because of some screenshot of that single scene...
rabidrabbit said:
hm, I don't know if I'm looking at the same video, but to me the character doesn't look "happy", he has quite a serious expression most of the time. Actually he as many expressions and none of them seemed happy to me.
Not as "badass" stone face as those Gears Of War space marines surely, but to me his expressions looked ok. He did look more angy than happy.

But his hair does stay in good condition despite all the fighting, and clothes too :)

Edit: I see one scene where he has kinda "wry" smile in the trailer, but that's the only place I see it. Maybe the impression some get he's too happy is because of some screenshot of that single scene...

that's probably what it is, he's not "badass" enough:D that guy just doesn't fit the stereotypical hero profile

but it also depend on the story and how he got into that position, he just doesn't look the part for anything but average joe
pegisys said:
that's probably what it is, he's not "badass" enough:D that guy just doesn't fit the stereotypical hero profile

but it also depend on the story and how he got into that position, he just doesn't look the part for anything but average joe

I think we've been bombarded with "generic" badasses who basically look like they haven't taken a dump in 10 days are ready to go ballistic on any fool dumb enough to point a gun at them.

I'm not surprised if the style turns some people off .. at least its unique. Its just a matter of taste .. but variety has always been Sony's formulat for success.
eDoshin said:
I think we've been bombarded with "generic" badasses who basically look like they haven't taken a dump in 10 days are ready to go ballistic on any fool dumb enough to point a gun at them.

I'm not surprised if the style turns some people off .. at least its unique. Its just a matter of taste .. but variety has always been Sony's formulat for success.

well like I said it depends on the story

but if you look at this picture

the little skinny guy is taking on 4 big guys with muscles and is winning. it's just hard to explain that, if the guy looked "badass" it would be more acceptable

and about what I said before, it's the eyes they don't ever look scared or mad it's like he is posing for a camera and someone is on the other side saying show me you mean face:LOL:, but I think it will get better
pegisys said:
the little skinny guy is taking on 4 big guys with muscles and is winning. it's just hard to explain that
The shovel and gun doesn't?! I'm all for new characters that are more human and realistic. ICO succeeded very much because of the realism of the characters, likewise Another World. Definitely can make for a more intense experience IMO, where there's a lot more caution and smarts needed. I hope this is in that vein. Diversity is what I want from gaming and what I expect from the PS.
Seems like developers can never win, either it's too 'futuristic' or it's too 'generic' or some other lame excuse to hate on a game.

This looks great to me, how many good pitfall type games do we have right now? 0? There's a ton of room to recreate a genre here that many people really liked at one point, the GFX are stunning, the animation is stunning, and the gamestyle, if not unique, is a nice blast from the past and it's nice to see something different for a change.
pegisys said:
well like I said it depends on the story

but if you look at this picture

the little skinny guy is taking on 4 big guys with muscles and is winning. it's just hard to explain that, if the guy looked "badass" it would be more acceptable

and about what I said before, it's the eyes they don't ever look scared or mad it's like he is posing for a camera and someone is on the other side saying show me you mean face:LOL:, but I think it will get better
wow, now you're really nitpicking.
It's a game, and in games like movies, the hero is always capable of amazing things.
Like the badass space marine, he'll be able to take on single handedly (with a large gun, I admit) a huge alien boss or tens of smaller aliens.
Really, you're just trying to find faults in the game for anything.
And the eyes, it's still a "holy grail" even in cgi high budget movies to get the eyes and the human face to look real and expressive so as not to look fake and "doll like".