Naughty Dog's New IP (Pics)

mckmas8808 said:


:D Looks very nice. Can't wait to get into these type of adventure games again.
Geometry for the environments don't look all that high.
true from a cursory glance it doesnt but if u look close mostly is (and why not pushing polys is easy).
worry aspect though are the crates here etc
gameplay not considered
but we could be looking at an entry in the top10 on
(edit after some wine) wow, looking a bit more, some of the shots have me wondering is this cgi?
technically (like killsone2 trailer) its certainly possible, but if they're able to pull this off so early in the consoles lifecycle is amazing
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I don't know what it is exactly, but this game just utterly fails to capture my imagination. Nothing about it appeals to me.

It's not the graphics - if it looks like the trailer, it'll be a nice looking game.

Maybe it's the horribly cliched plot-by-numbers that gets thrown up at the start. I didn't bother turning up the volume to watch the trailer so I don't know if it's also read out or not, but I can hear in my head "voice over man" reading out each line slowly in his best James Earl Jones voice...

Or maybe it's the main character, who seems so mind numbingly ordinary I can't imagine him running around a jungle on some kind of epic quest. Oddly I think I'd be a lot more interested in the game if only it had been Lara or Indy running around in the trailer. It's entirely cosmetic, but it's turning me off the game.

Naughty Dog always seem to have top-notch technology, but gameplay wise I think they dropped the ball in this last gen, and I'm hoping they don't continue to leave it lying around for PS3...

Even as a fan of action-adventure type games with a slight aversion to most FPSs, I'm more interested in Insomniac's unoriginal looking shooter than I am in this.
MrWibble said:
I don't know what it is exactly, but this game just utterly fails to capture my imagination. Nothing about it appeals to me.

It's not the graphics - if it looks like the trailer, it'll be a nice looking game.
true i have the same feeeling, it looks quite boring gameplaywise, though i think u do it an injustise with (nice looking game) where it clarey/clairly(whatever) is the best looking game out or to come (over the next year)
edit btw since the above screenshot pane was open (love having multiple panes)
note to naughtdog devs (if reading) with smaller mipmap levels youre meant to increase the heights of the bumpmaps) in the above screenshot u arent, ppl recommend 2x for each level personally i think 1.5x looks better
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MrWibble said:
I Or maybe it's the main character, who seems so mind numbingly ordinary I can't imagine him running around a jungle on some kind of epic quest. Oddly I think I'd be a lot more interested in the game if only it had been Lara or Indy running around in the trailer. It's entirely cosmetic, but it's turning me off the game.
Yea, I'd rather it featured a buff bald space marine in heavy armor suit and aliens... much more original.
Plotwise, it really is too early to tell. It might be a simple treasure hunt, but games with such setting still are far less uncommon today than space marines and aliens.

I think it looks refreshing in midst of all the avrage space marine stuff.
zed said:
(edit after some wine) wow, looking a bit more, some of the shots have me wondering is this cgi?
technically (like killsone2 trailer) its certainly possible, but if they're able to pull this off so early in the consoles lifecycle is amazing
yes, I was thinking the same way about some shots. Some shots do look borderline cgi, and others look like what you would expect from next gen. The attention to detail in some shots is amazing.

Personally, If I could change one thing about the images/trailer/game. I would add more color into it. Theres alot of focus on green(there was even a parot in one of the pictures that was completely green), I would get some more variation in flowers running with some other tropical bright colors, and maybe even a wild animal or two. :D

But again, like you said. Graphics like this so early in a console's lifecycle is amazing.
this game looks really nice. The most impressive thing is the animation. WOW.

I hope (from readng the interview) that not too much animation is tied to cinematics (as was mentioned) as I want full control of animation this good.

The PoP guy they hired has credentials enough for me though in that regard.

As for the character himself... meh... just some normal dude. ;) A little like a male Tomb Raider kind of thing going on in general.
Yes, the animation is nice and smooth, but it fails to capture my imagination too. :(

I hope if it's like Indiana Jones + Zelda + Mission Impossible:
Indiana Jones (Movie) : interesting mythical world (Recover lost ancient threat/treasure)
Zelda: easy to control, many tools at disposal, good NPCs
Mission Impossible: interesting technologies, amazing challenge and trap that requires some thinking and sleek move to solve

They may want to give some characteristics to the guy though. He looks realistic but too bland. Indy has his signature hat, whip and deep archaeology knowledge; Zelda has his green suit, Master Sword and tools; Ethan has his Tom Cruise smile (complete with catchy MI music) and gadgets.

I vote for an electronic left eye implant linked to a satellite like Midnight Eye (the manga) :D

I guess I'll have to wait and see again. :|
MrWibble said:
Or maybe it's the main character, who seems so mind numbingly ordinary I can't imagine him running around a jungle on some kind of epic quest. Oddly I think I'd be a lot more interested in the game if only it had been Lara or Indy running around in the trailer. It's entirely cosmetic, but it's turning me off the game.

Oddly, that is exactly why I think the game has some promise. It isn't a Lara game or an Indy game or anything else that we've seen dozens of, it's a new character/ip by one of (in my opinion) best developers for the last two generations. I like the character, he is "ordinary" and not some crazy hero that's been in half a dozen games already.

I can safely say my interest wouldn't be nearly as great if it was an Indy game or a Lara game (although I would still be interested, because its an ND game).

I'm quite excited for this game and Insomniac's.
rabidrabbit said:
Yea, I'd rather it featured a buff bald space marine in heavy armor suit and aliens... much more original.
Plotwise, it really is too early to tell. It might be a simple treasure hunt, but games with such setting still are far less uncommon today than space marines and aliens.

I think it looks refreshing in midst of all the avrage space marine stuff.

Ordinary is not refreshing. Just because they avoided copying any other cliche doesn't make it original. I think I actually *would* prefer to play something less "original" if at least it fires my imagination a little more, lets me play the part of a character I find more appealing or interesting. I might sit through it thinking "hmm, maybe they could've tried something a bit different" but I wouldn't be thinking "I wish my character was just some rubbish bloke in a t-shirt".

The whole thing looks utterly generic - it's like they just bought a catalog of stock artwork. Generic Brick texture, generic table, generic oil-barrel, generic character.
MrWibble said:
Ordinary is not refreshing. Just because they avoided copying any other cliche doesn't make it original. I think I actually *would* prefer to play something less "original" if at least it fires my imagination a little more, lets me play the part of a character I find more appealing or interesting. I might sit through it thinking "hmm, maybe they could've tried something a bit different" but I wouldn't be thinking "I wish my character was just some rubbish bloke in a t-shirt".

The whole thing looks utterly generic - it's like they just bought a catalog of stock artwork. Generic Brick texture, generic table, generic oil-barrel, generic character.

I guess I don't really understand the aversion to playing a guy in a T-shirt who's name or backstory and "personality" you don't know (which makes judgements like you're making right now a little bit premature, in my opinion). He may look generic, but Indy and Lara do too -- one happens to wear adventure clothes from the 1950s and one wears tight revealing stuff. The appeal of Indy and Lara don't come from their looks for me, but from their actions/reactions (things they say, things they do, past expereinces, etc). Isn't it a bit silly to make such judgements based upon a small video where the necessary information to actually make such judgements is sort of missing? Or do you actually just prefer Lara and Indy's clothing/body structure?

If you're just making a judgement based on this video, saying it doesn't excite you - that's fine, but I would be careful not to patently say Indy or Lara are better characters when you can't feasibly make such a call at this point.

Also, isn't it a bit disingenuous to start ragging on textures in a "reality" based game? I mean, how often are "reality" based games going to have bricks or tables or oil-barrels that don't look "generic"? You see the latest Lara and Indy games? Their bricks probably came from the same factories, same with the oil barrels and tables.

I guess I have a bit more faith in ND than you do. I generally play ND games for the entertaining gameplay and the humor, not for the brick textures or the clothing the characters wear.
Who says he is an ordinary guy.

1. He will not be killed by a single bullet, even if it is a headshot.
2. He will never get tired, hungry or thirsty even if he completes the games in a single sitting.
3. He will single-handidly destroy all enimies.


He looks slightly Tin Henmen like. :LOL:
Quite frankly I tired of seeing action heros look like Too Human, Gears of War, Turok, Mass Effect, etc. Not trying to diss those other games because they are doing there on thing, but I want an action hero that actually looks differently.

But obviously going with a plain/regular guy is risky. A risk I hope pays off for them.
Tap In said:

Yeah, I wish game artists would stop rolling out these cliched cyborg samurais with their translucent bio-mechanical armor, high heels and claws. ;)

As for ND's new game, its almost sad to say but a throwback to the "average dude" (ala Flashback) and classic pulp action theme is in fact pretty refreshing in this day and age of videogames. Im glad to see them go in this direction.
liverkick said:
Yeah, I wish game artists would stop rolling out these cliched cyborg samurais with their translucent bio-mechanical armor, high heels and claws. ;)

:LOL: nice

As for ND's new game, its almost sad to say but a throwback to the "average dude" (ala Flashback) and classic pulp action theme is in fact pretty refreshing in this day and age of videogames. Im glad to see them go in this direction.

Yes! Flashback, that's it. I loved that game :smile:
MrWibble said:
The whole thing looks utterly generic - it's like they just bought a catalog of stock artwork. Generic Brick texture, generic table, generic oil-barrel, generic character.

Agreed..looks like everything came for the sample package for Lightwave..borderline CG or not. :LOL:

I'd take plastic shiny environments for 100...
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Agreed..looks like everything came for the sample package for Lightwave..borderline CG or not. :LOL:

I'd take plastic shiny environments for 100...

I'd imagine that's your blatant bias talking, but, you mind pointing out what you're talking about?

Shiny and plastic are not really words you can feasibly use to describe environment or anything else in this video if you want to be taken seriously. Call it generic if you want, as that's easily something that can fall under opinion, but the words "shiny" and "plastic" are pretty well defined as they are things that are easily compared -- there's nothing in that video that looks like plastic or is shiny.

And the lightwave comment is a bit goofy too.

Whoever said opinions can't be wrong obviously never met you.