You also forget the much lower lifespan of the blue OLED emitters which lead to color shift over time.How does that prove anything? If a rival posts FUD about you, don't you have to respond? All that webpage shows is people are talking about burn in. It doesn't show that it's a significant problem that OLED users are experiencing. For that, you want to go to the users and get a decent sampling of those who have issues versus those who don't.
One also has to factor in the risk with realities of operation. Yes, there's a chance to have burn in degrading your image. But then with an LCD, you'll 100% get image degradation when viewing off-centre. And you'll 100% get non-uniform light, and light bleed. So is a chance of your OLED degrading over time so that, after a few years, some areas of the screen are slightly darker, of more concern than over that same few years always having cloudy blacks and off-colours when not straight on?
No display technology is without its flaws. For consumers to make the best choice for them, the information needs to be accurate and impartial rather than driven by marketing forces.
It's nice to see that some people haven't had issues with their OLED TVs but that doesn't deny the reality of those who have.