well, i for one remember, when ati was caught on quack deal, they publicaly stated they will be optimizing their drivers for quake3 engine, so performance could be spotted in all q3 driven games (jedi knight, elite force, etc). as far as i am concerned, this is legit and welcome.
usual caveat: as long as IQ is not compromised.
so, here is my question. can anticheat tool also find those optimisations (yes, i know it focuses on d3d for now, and quake is opengl) and more importantly, are those still valid optimizations or cheats? WE can also expect more unreal engine driven games, so, if optimizations for ut2k3 show in other games, too, isn't that a valid optimization for popular engine?
it is just like optimizing for autocad or 3DS max, isn't it?