My dog got attacked by a pitbull


Anyway as DW is always talking about all these dogs he has I thought I would say it. It totally sucks, my wife and I are running with my 14year old american eskimo (who is like 22 lbs) and I am waiting with the dog for my wife. There is a pittbull loose and it seems harmless enough it comes up to my dog and sniffs her then turns to go away, and suddenly for what seems like no reason grabs her by the neck and starts to throttle the crap out of here. (She is on a leash btw) So I start to kick it in the ribs, and it ends up tearing about 4x4 inches of skin of her head and neck, the back of her left ear is gone (the skin the cartilidge remains). So my wife holds her I run home grab the car and take her to the vet. She gets stiched up but the Vet cannot use the chunk of skin we bring just in case. Now she has a slanty eye b/c there wasn't enough skin to close up the wound w/o pulling it all crazy, and the back of her ear has no skin. They are going to wait and see if they can do a skin graft on her ear, but now it is pretty gruesome looking, it has a bandage, but where the ear meets the head there is a 2inch long slice with skin just hangin away from the ear...

So it sucked and I am pissed about this pittbull which has done it to another dog as well... oh well :devilish:
If this had happened on my property i would have assumed shot the dog.

I made it pretty clear the first time my dog was attacked by the neighbor's dog the next time it came over to my lawn and attacked my dog it was a good as dead. I don't play this shit with neighbors.
Yeah I actually contemplated killing it, but I don't feel right about it. Of course if it happened again I would not feel any qualms. As of now I am seeing about what animal control will do, and going to take them all the vetrenary bills to see what they say about it...

That's horrible. Who are the owners of the dog?

Don't blame the pitbull, blame the bloody owner of the pitbull. WTF was the pitbull prancing around on the streets in the first place on it's own?

The owner of the pitbull should be watching over it and keep it in the backyard and when it's time to go out for a walk they owner should put the pitbull on a leash.
Got attacked by a Doberman a few years back. Didn't seem to take kindly to me cycling near him so he sprinted 20 yards to try and take a chunk of of me. Left a bruise on my leg where it's fangs had hit me. Luckily it only managed a glancing blow, otherwise I'd have been off the bike. It frightens me to think what could of happened.

Anyway, point being, the Doberman was unleashed as well. Being walked in a public park (where loads of children play soccer) by a young woman who I doubt could have controlled it anyway. I think the main problem is that people own these dogs, and only see their good nature 99% of the time. The 1% of the time that the dog turns on another dog, or a person, they'll probably claim it was out of character. Trouble is, it probably is in their nature to act exactly like this, and the owners need to be vigilant 100% of the time.
pits can be really sweet animals, but when treated badly they become bad dogs. it sounds like this particular one is suffering from an inferiority complex- likely it's been physically and/or emotionally abused at home. It's a danger to children and should be put down (as much as I hate to say it, because it's not the dogs fault but you really can't give therapy to a dog very easily)
Well here is what I have found out so far. The owner is a guy about 22years old, he left the dog at his mothers house b/c he did not want to take care of it. The mother is older and the dog digs out and atttacks other dogs regularly. So yes it does sound as if the dog is going to have to be put down.

And ironically enough while I was at the Vet there was a pitbull being released who was sweet as can be, so I realize it is the owners fault to a large extent, but we can't exactly put him (owner) down :)...

I will be going over there to day to talk with the surrogate owner, she needs to know about this stuff if she doesn't already...

Thanks for the sympathy (I just feel bad for my dog b/c she is already old enough she didn't exactly need this).
Sxotty, sorry to hear about the attack. Freakin' too many people don't act responsibly with their pets.

Melissa and I went for a walk with Megan in her stroller just last night and a neighbor's dog came running across the yard at us rather aggressively. I jumped forward to get in front of the stroller and told the dog something like "you're looking at your death" (hey, at least it wasn't something like 'I shall hang you from the Tree of Woe). The dog backed off, but I remember telling Melissa that we would've had some very angry neighbors as they watched me strangle their dog to death if it had attacked Melissa or the stroller.
John Reynolds said:
Sxotty, sorry to hear about the attack. Freakin' too many people don't act responsibly with their pets.

Melissa and I went for a walk with Megan in her stroller just last night and a neighbor's dog came running across the yard at us rather aggressively. I jumped forward to get in front of the stroller and told the dog something like "you're looking at your death" (hey, at least it wasn't something like 'I shall hang you from the Tree of Woe). The dog backed off, but I remember telling Melissa that we would've had some very angry neighbors as they watched me strangle their dog to death if it had attacked Melissa or the stroller.

Yeah that would have been horrible if IT attacked ur baby... And definately worthy of the rather melodramatic "U're looking at your death"... Which is so funny by the way
london-boy said:
Yeah that would have been horrible if IT attacked ur baby... And definately worthy of the rather melodramatic "U're looking at your death"... Which is so funny by the way.

Yeah, should've gone for "You cannot pass. I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. You cannot pass." Egads, I just quoted that from memory <geek alert!>.
Yeah I actually contemplated killing it, but I don't feel right about it.

You should have killed it. If it attacks another dog it won't think twice to maul a little kid that wandered out of his yard and saw a "nice doggy".

A pet is a pet until it attacks an innocent person/another animal, then it's a beast and must be killed.
yeah, as bad as I feel saying this- the dog needs to be put down. It doesn't have the ability to distinguish between human children and other animals- it has already displayed very clearly that it takes it's aggresion out violently and without remourse; if, rather than a dog, you had a child with you then it probably would have atacked teh child (assuming that the child reacted to the dog in the same way that your dog reacted to it, something made the dog single out this particular victim)
Well the lady who keeps the dog is out of town this weekend so we could not talk to her. We spoke with animal control however and sinec this dog has had previous incidents, I have been told it has already been euthanized, put down, killed however you want to say it...

The animal control people spoke with the woman who was keeping it for her son and supposedly she is quite sad and remorseful and would like to speak with us when she returns from wherever she is so we shall see...

Well now most of it is dealt with except whether my dogs ear will stay or go that is yet to be decided, but hey at least she seems to be relatively sealed up with not to many holes she didn't have before. :)