Multisample Masking and R300 based hardware


Retarded moron
So, I can choose to enable MSM in D3D in RivaTuner on my former NV20, all DX8 based games will only use AA only where necessasary and this would give a massive performance improvement with AA and the image will still be AA'ed properly.

Does the R300 support the feature? I believe it does, but where are the options to enable it?
K.I.L.E.R said:
So, I can choose to enable MSM in D3D in RivaTuner on my former NV20, all DX8 based games will only use AA only where necessasary and this would give a massive performance improvement with AA and the image will still be AA'ed properly.
Are you sure you saw what you saw? ;)

What this setting does AFAIK is to put all the subsample positions to the center of the pixel (where the texture sample is taken), effectively disabling (automatic) AA, but giving better results for multisample masking based effects like DoF, Motion Blur and the like.
Look here:

So, I can choose to enable MSM in D3D in RivaTuner on my former NV20, all DX8 based games will only use AA only where necessasary and this would give a massive performance improvement with AA and the image will still be AA'ed properly.

What is it in the end, just one selected case or a general consensus?

I don't have Warcraft3, but I haven't seen a difference so far in the games I play.
What is it in the end, just one selected case or a general consensus?

I would assume it works like that generally in DX8+ titles. Normally when you enable MSM and have AA forced on, you will get no AA but in WC3 there is AA and the speed is improved.
R300 supports multisample masking. You don't 'need' to enable it because it's always enabled. However, it wont do anything unless the games are programmed to actually use multisample masking.

Anyway, Multisample masking has 2 effects in Direct3D. It allows FSAA to be switched off (moving all sample to the centre of the pixel) with the D3DRS_MULTISAMPLEANTIALIAS renderstate, and also allows samples to be individulally turned off with the D3DRS_MULTISAMPLEMASK renderstate.