MS fined 1520 MILLION bucks!

What you're suggesting will require a substantial overhaul to the whole system of how patents are issued (although that might not be such a bad idea at any rate).

The current system definately needs changing. It's original intent of protecting the small guy against the big corporation stealing his ideas has been turned around. Now the big companies simply out-lawyer you in court - their deeper pockets win. Patent are used as pre-emptive strikes and speculative submarines for future advantage. Prior and obvious art is ignored in the hope that no one will be able to afford a court battle.
One solution would be for companies that bring speculative lawsuits to be liable for all costs and compensation if they lose.
That would mostly require them to file more lawsuist. They cannot lose them all, and it's extremely lucrative.

Besides, all those lawyers are eager to show that they're worth all the money they get.

Btw, it already is that wany in the Netherlands. But the maximum fines and costs allowed for anything legalese are only a fraction of what they are in the "unlimited" systems as well.