Gollum, AOK, AOM, AOE, etc..they dont have ANY market appeal...
Blizzard games have MAD market appeal, MS is buying Vivendi for something, what is it? its not for Halflife, because Sierra doesnt own it.. there is something major they want,the only thing I can see.. is Blizzard.. you can doubt that all you want but thats not enough for me, with anyone else, I KNOW blizzards fate is safe, with MS, I dont, and once MS has thier paws on Blizzard, there is no turning back, there is nothing that can be done, Blizzard can not break free, they are 100% under MS control, PLain and simple, and I'm sorry, but I dont back down that that makes me a little more than uneasy, this coming true is DEVISTATING to me.
and yes, when you sit and argue putting down everything I feel about this, I will call you a moron, your dense as hell if you cant understand that, Blizzard means a lot to me, it may be trivial to you, but its not to me.