MS buys vivendi games division?

You're being pretty facetious, Howdy...

MS is notorious in the game community these days for giving developers a lot of control over their games, even being encouraging.

You have absolutely no basis for saying MS is going to make them change their games, and I think you should give it up for now and go take a time-out in the corner...
In fact, I sincerely doubt MS will gradually shift Blizzard to consoles. Despite their roots in NES gaming, Blizzard built their name with Warcraft and Diablo, both PC games. They are a household name in PC gaming, but next to unknown in console gaming... neither Warcraft 2, Diablo, or Starcraft saw much success in their console incarnations. If they buy Blizzard, it will be to cement their stranglehold on the PC gaming market, not to barge into the console market where their previous acquisition, Bungie, has a lot better brand-name strength.

I'd like to believe so too... Then again Bungie was *THE* Mac game developer, and synonomous with Mac gaming (along with a far amount of PC following), and no console experience or history. Look at them now...
:rubs hands in glee! :LOL:
Blizzard and Sierra MS Xclusives! :LOL: MS ultimate western lineup will be complete! 8)
archie, you don't think Bungie knew that they'd be developing for xbox when they were bought? Even still, Halo IS coming out for PC. From what I've seen, PC development is basically dead (and or dying right now). Retailers don't want to buy PC games, and some retailers like EB want to completely get out of selling PC games all together... unless you have a title with a good name behind it (like warcraft), you're going to have a tough time.

Anyway, MS wouldn't make a bunch of PC only companies, ONLY focus on Xbox. There's a huge market for the Blizzard PC games since they will always sell due to name recognition. RPG's still sell, and RTS games still sell ad those ar eblizzards bread and butter. Warcraft 3 had amazing numbers despite it coming out for the PC in a crappy market place.

I thinsk MS wants blizzard for Ghost and worl of warcraft (mmorpg). i fthey can secure a few more rpg's for xbox live, then they will be able to draw in some huge numbers. They also need a way to compete with Sony/vereant on the online RPG front.

Anyway, here's some more food for thought i saw at the IGN forums.

More clues to Microsoft's possible deal/purchase of Vivendi emerge..

EBGa no longer has StarCraft:Ghost listed on their site for PS2 & GameCube.

And when I called the 800 #: 1-877-432-9675

The rep checked the computers and stated that the game's date for the specific platform (PS2 & Cube) was pushed back indefinitely OR it was canceled for the specified platforms (PS2 & GameCube)

More as it becomes available..
Glonk said:
You're being pretty facetious, Howdy...

MS is notorious in the game community these days for giving developers a lot of control over their games, even being encouraging.

You have absolutely no basis for saying MS is going to make them change their games, and I think you should give it up for now and go take a time-out in the corner...

are you a complete idiot? why do you think there are no real RTS games on consoles? because the gameplay doesnt work, if MS makes this purchase, its for its friggen Xbox, in case you have not noticed, MS has pretty much dropped the PC completely lately favoring all its major releases that are not pay to play for its Xbox, to make a game like SC2 or WC4 work on the XBox, the gameplay mechanics would have to be dumbed down to no end, and in the end, be a crappy product.. Hopefully Blizzard buys its shares back before the sale.. they are all I am concerned about.
I am not concerned about Halflife 2, because Sierra doesnt own Valve, they are only the publisher.
Captain you simply don't know what you are talking about. MS has NOT dropped PC support, they are one of the few companies still supporting the PC. They have a number of titles still published for the PC. They KNOW blizzard are mostly PC develoeprs (good ones) and tis purchase is mainly Xbox oriented, but will also compliment ther pC lineup.

You're simply foolish if you think MS is going to do something to warcraft or the RPG's Like diablo and re3move thse from the PC world. You know I thought you calmed down for a bit around here but you're back to your old self it seems.
Qroach said:
Captain you simply don't know what you are talking about. MS has NOT dropped PC support, they are one of the few companies still supporting the PC. They have a number of titles still published for the PC. They KNOW blizzard are mostly PC develoeprs (good ones) and tis purchase is mainly Xbox oriented, but will also compliment ther pC lineup.

You're simply foolish if you think MS is going to do something to warcraft or the RPG's Like diablo and re3move thse from the PC world. You know I thought you calmed down for a bit around here but you're back to your old self it seems.

yea right, and how many console games did Bungie make before the PC GAME Halo was ripped from PC users and made console exclusive? and we get it what? 2 years later...

MS only cares about Money, they dont care about the quality of games, they dont care how happy gamers are, they want to dominate the market, once they do, they will let all standards fly out the window, just like it did from Windows 98 to ME
There are lots of PC game companies that only started working on console titles after the X-Box came into existence. But I suppose that has nothing to do with the fact that the X-Box is a PC, and only happened because Microsoft bought everyone and forced them to develop for it.

BTW, Windows ME is running on the computer sitting next to this one, and is working just fine. It's crashed less than this Windows 2K box actually. And I think Dungeon Siege was a pretty well finished game, can't remember too many bugs in that. I also seem to recall Age of Empires II selling a few copies, and I can't say I've heard too many people complaining that Microsoft didn't care about the quality of it, and just pushed it out to make money.
yea right, and how many console games did Bungie make before the PC GAME Halo was ripped from PC users and made console exclusive? and we get it what? 2 years later...

And how many PC games did bungie make before MS bought them? it wasn't exactly a lot. You're still getting halo, and that's my point.

MS only cares about Money, they dont care about the quality of games, they dont care how happy gamers are, they want to dominate the market, once they do, they will let all standards fly out the window, just like it did from Windows 98 to ME

Well you guys can never see things clearly can't you. ALL OF THESE COMPANIES care about MONEY! they aren't out to make happy gamers, they are out to make MONEY. If you believe anything otherwise, you are extremely naive... this includes sony/nintendo/ and MS
real bad... i had no idea until a few days ago.

EB want's to completely get out of PC games altogether. Currently stores around here only have 4 small shelves of PC products. They are only buying first to market titles, and that means they only purchase a certain number of copies the first time it comes out, and then never re-order any more. they are also only sticking to the popular titles and won't take a chance on anything else.

Selling PC products is gettig tougher and tougher. the only way you can get your games in stores is to bundle your sale with console products. so you'd have to sell 10,000 untis of PC games with along with X amount of console games.

The budget price point for PC games was once $19.99 U.S, it's now $4.99 U.S. new PC titles come out and get marked down only a week or two later. Also have you noticed that PC games are now a lot less expensive then they once were? It's not all about the size of the packaging. PC titles once sold for the same amount as console games (roughly).

Some people don't believe this, but pirating games has had a BIG impact on the PC world. CD-burners are cheap and Pc games are easy to rip off...
It's no worse than the console market IMO. When I walk down the console aisles, I can't help but laugh at some of the crap being put out for them.

On the PC side, Unreal 2, Master of Orion 3, Splinter Cell, IGI 2, and C&C Generals should be out next month, which should all do pretty well. I think the biggest problem is the economy is doing poorly, so people aren't as willing to buy new computers to play games on as they are the $199 consoles. Once the economy picks up again, I expect the PC market to climb back to where it was. And hopefully we can get a surge of people buying computers again with some decent hardware, so the developers have more features to market to.
Sorry crusher, but you don't have a full picture of the PC market. I'm seeing things from both the inside and consumer side, and things are not

EB want's to get out of PC products, that shoudl say alot about the state of PC gaming.
Electronics Boutique is what I envision as the AOL of the video game market. I have never bought a single game there. I don't doubt that it will affect the PC game market if they stop selling PC games, just like the internet would be affected if AOL stopped being an ISP. But I think the internet would keep on keeping on, and I think the PC game market will do the same.

Now, if Best Buy and CompUSA stopped selling PC games, then I would be concerned. I have noticed their PC game section has shrunk a bit over the years, but then again, the boxes have gotten smaller too :) And you can't blame them for wanting to reduce their inventory on PC games after seeing the bins full of crappy games they can't get rid of. I don't think the market is dying, I think it's getting more economical.
Oh it's dying. As I wrote above, retailers don't want PC games as much as before. Thr reason for that is the prices are lower and theprofit margins are lower than before.

Eb is certainly not the AOL of the game industry. I'd say that was mroe like walmart or stores like target/best buy.
Qroach said:
Some people don't believe this, but pirating games has had a BIG impact on the PC world. CD-burners are cheap and Pc games are easy to rip off...

There is reason why next gen consoles will use blue ray and Gc using min- DVD
CaptainHowdy said:
are you a complete idiot? why do you think there are no real RTS games on consoles? because the gameplay doesnt work, if MS makes this purchase, its for its friggen Xbox, in case you have not noticed, MS has pretty much dropped the PC completely lately favoring all its major releases that are not pay to play for its Xbox, to make a game like SC2 or WC4 work on the XBox, the gameplay mechanics would have to be dumbed down to no end, and in the end, be a crappy product.. Hopefully Blizzard buys its shares back before the sale.. they are all I am concerned about.
I am not concerned about Halflife 2, because Sierra doesnt own Valve, they are only the publisher.

Yeah, like when MS bought the RTS developer Ensemble and made them do Xbox games... Oh wait, they didn't. The last 2 PC games I bought for myself (Impossible Creatures and MW4:Merks) were published by (drum roll)... MS. Yeah, they sure did drop PC market. Over the last couple of months they released more quality PC titles then any other major publisher.
Qroach said:
Oh it's dying. As I wrote above, retailers don't want PC games as much as before. Thr reason for that is the prices are lower and theprofit margins are lower than before.

I can't agree more. I also think it's inevitable that the game industry will move to a digital distribution system - for the above reason, as well as developers being drawn to the ability to banish distributors and retain more revenue as profits for themselves, especially as the development costs of a modern game (especially next generation forward) are increasing at a pace that’s outstripping the growth of the industry. Hey, Valve isn't stupid - if anything their prophetic with Steam
Qroach said:
yea right, and how many console games did Bungie make before the PC GAME Halo was ripped from PC users and made console exclusive? and we get it what? 2 years later...

And how many PC games did bungie make before MS bought them? it wasn't exactly a lot. You're still getting halo, and that's my point.

MS only cares about Money, they dont care about the quality of games, they dont care how happy gamers are, they want to dominate the market, once they do, they will let all standards fly out the window, just like it did from Windows 98 to ME

Well you guys can never see things clearly can't you. ALL OF THESE COMPANIES care about MONEY! they aren't out to make happy gamers, they are out to make MONEY. If you believe anything otherwise, you are extremely naive... this includes sony/nintendo/ and MS

Not True, and you know it, Nintendo cares about the games above all else, if they only cared about money, they would be making a lot more, by giving into current trends and being more aggressive.. but they dont care about the money, they care about making a living at doing what they love doing, making games to thier artistic vision...
dont tell me this is new to you? isnt Trailor Park Tycoon made with love and care?