For the love of god, would you read what is being written? Nobody, anywhere, tried to say that PC game sales were a major source of revenue for Microsoft, or that they even came close to the sales of the Windows OS.
What we're saying is, a large part of the reason WHY Windows makes so much money, is because it's *the* OS for playing games on a computer. I don't care if a million people only contribute $5 a piece to the PC gaming industry by purchasing Deer Hunter, they still need Windows to run it on. That makes Microsoft money, regardless of how much money it makes for the PC game industry, the makers of the game, or anyone else in the world.
As for unpirated copies of windows, it's sold with just about every OEM computer in the United States. Do you think the majority of the millions of people playing the Sims built their PC's themselves and pirated Windows? How the hell do you think Microsoft became the largest software corporation in the world? Why do you think they're worth more than Sony? Sony makes thousands of consumer electronics products, most of them aren't even related to computers. Microsoft has a very focused market in comparison. They're making money from people, and I guarantee it's not from internet gateway and web server machines. The majority of gateways are routers these days, btw, not Windows boxes. The few PC gateways left are probably running Linux, too.
What we're saying is, a large part of the reason WHY Windows makes so much money, is because it's *the* OS for playing games on a computer. I don't care if a million people only contribute $5 a piece to the PC gaming industry by purchasing Deer Hunter, they still need Windows to run it on. That makes Microsoft money, regardless of how much money it makes for the PC game industry, the makers of the game, or anyone else in the world.
As for unpirated copies of windows, it's sold with just about every OEM computer in the United States. Do you think the majority of the millions of people playing the Sims built their PC's themselves and pirated Windows? How the hell do you think Microsoft became the largest software corporation in the world? Why do you think they're worth more than Sony? Sony makes thousands of consumer electronics products, most of them aren't even related to computers. Microsoft has a very focused market in comparison. They're making money from people, and I guarantee it's not from internet gateway and web server machines. The majority of gateways are routers these days, btw, not Windows boxes. The few PC gateways left are probably running Linux, too.