The PS3 is close to the finished design phase and more information is seeping through the cracks about its features. Seems Sony wants the PS3 to be THE PS machine, allowing playback of not only PSone, PS2 and DVD's but also the new Playstation Portable games.
In related news Nintendo is close to the ending phase on its next platform with Microsfot close behind with its XBox-2. As it stands now Sony looks to be the last to release its hardware in the next round of "Next-Generation" gaming machines. Microsoft and Nintendo both agree that the PSP will present no "real" threat to the Game Boy Advanced as the price-point will be to high to break into the handheld gaming arena, much less topple the Big 'N's strangle-hold on the portable gaming market. Microsoft claims the price to make the PSP will damage Sony in the long-run if they are trying to but-heads with Nintendo for turf. We will have to wait and see how Sony plays this one out as the release for the PSP pushes closer.
Source: ALL RPG
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