Molecular Matter and Euphoria videos at GameTrailers

Shifty Geezer

GameTrailers has two vids of tech demos from the next SW game. One is Euphoria behavioural synthesis. The other is Molecular Matter object destruction. Both are interesting. The Euphoria demo seems a little limited to me. The matter one looks fantastic. The framerate is terrible though!

How does the geometry creation work with the molecular matter? Are polygons created on impact? There's the potential for crazy amounts of geometry that'd cripple any machine I'm sure, so there must be some efficiency trick, no?

Not sure where this should be posted either. It's technical and could be discussed in the tech forum, and it's related to the SW game that already has a thread in the Games forum. I'll leave the mods to decide where it should be!
Direct links for the chronically lazy, brought to you by the power of html

the material one, the animation one.

There was a video posted a while ago showing exactly the same material scene (and more).. it had a higher frame rate if I recall.

The animation stuff is fun :) Although it did seem a bit scripted. They wern't trying to climb up, or even use both hands to hold on. As for the material side, I'd guess a complex scene would run into memory issues pretty quickly, especially on a console (?)
The behaviour one looked to select from a number of behaviours and associated animations. It'd be nice to see it's versatility in other situations. The Indiana Jones example showed animation was physics based and variable, but this chucking Storm Troopers lacked variety.

Also of note, GameTrailers has the demo linked to PS2. Could this technology really be running on the ancient platform? :oops:
very cool! I've been looking for something like that for years, although I wonder what kind of performance hit is associated with it (the matter demo).
The matter stuff is very cool. I remember reading about it in Edge's Lucasarts special a few months back, they're really banking a lot on technologies like this to help revitalise their efforts and mark them out again as something special. I'm not sure if they have some sort of exclusivity on those technologies for now..kind of would be a shame if they did, if they're really so effective.

My one worry is as above, what happens if you apply that kind of physical simulation generally and whether the destruction can be persistent or not. It might be a bit disappointing if only some objects react realistically like this, and others don't, and similarly if the destruction does not persist over time, say if you leave an area and come back later.
That castle crack-up really looks amazing. Though the GI helps! But the level of destruction is fantastic and would be very welcome. And the technology isn't just materials, but 3D volume rendering. I guess it's somewhat Voxel like. Could mean excellent terrain with proper footprints etc. I guess the biggest concerns are memory requirements for 3D volumes and speed of processing.
Very cool indeed. Wasn't there a similar demo for the next gen Indiana Jones game? Don't remember it being as slick as the materials demo here though.
Yes. Though showcased both technologies in the Indian game. There was a wooden fence or door or somesuch which broke when a character fell into it. It'd have been nice to see different materials.
Wow, that stuff is just plain awesome, do these consoles really have enough horsepower to implement that in a game situation though??
my dumb question, is this related to procedural synthesis??? and what game is this for...

edit: just remembered procedural synthesis is for graphics not ai :D
Liked that last video that showed the difference between ragdolls and this new engine.
Its a point that has always anoyed me in regards to ragdolls, when they are used, people seem to be knocked unconscious or dead and just fly through the air etc as a doll.
Most times people, even though stupidly, tries to control themselfs in the air and brace for impact in some way.
Especially Motorstorm on the PS3 got to me, when watching the slowmo crashes on the bikes :)