Mission Impossible 3

it has Lost and alias all over the place

musics, the same suspance.... the same director :D etc

tom gettting electrocuted was cool..
I saw it earlier today.
Well..., if you would have liked to to have seen the previous movie (MI:2), but without the slow-motion nonsense and the "me, me, me" attitude, then this one is for you.

I mean, come on. It's basically the same story and the ending is, not only predictable (i knew it 1/3 into the story already), but... "unsatisfying" :rolleyes:

Everybody tries to imitate the Bourne movies nowadays, but so far it has yet to have found it's match...
I ve seen it

I ll give it 7.5.

I ll mention details another time because I dont have the time right now
I had really liked the original MI movie but thought the second one sucked ass.. MI:3 is fun, if predictable. You get the feeling that it was meant to be much longer (nearing 3 hours) but a lot of things ended up outside the final script, but in the end it's a rather satisfying action flick, if not one of the best ever. It's quite up there next to the original MI in my view.

Also, I don't get all the "Whoa, Seymour was AWESOME!" deal because he had very little screentime and with the time he had he was good but nothing spectacular. The whole cast did a very good job, in my opinion.

Also, the whole "MI Team" concept was a nice change from the "lone wolf" feel of the first two movies, and a welcome nod to the TV series, I liked it. As for the "Bourne movies" comparison above - seriously, I don't get the relevance, the two movies are not even alike. If anything, this MI movie felt more like a good Bond movie..

I would rate this movie a 4 on a scale of 1 to 6. It's worth watching.
Be warned, I'm very critical of movies that take themselves seriously. So...

I found the plot a bit baffling to be honest. And there were some rather stupid things, "omg no phone signal in the middle of shanghai, how tense!". The whole recovering of the 'rabbits foot' was down right pathetic.

The whole shaky cam + loads of motion blur really irritated me.

For me the movie was more confusing and forgettable. Lack of suspense, lack of acting in places (looking at you tom), and most importantly very poorly executed plot twists.

There were some great action moments, but at the same time there were some very poorly timed or just sheer rediculous moments too.
Philip Seymour Hoffman was very good in those "count to ten" moments....
i was like "wow, i woudn't mess with him"
I think Tom's decision to cast J.J. Abrams really worked, so here's my full recap:

* For a first feature-movie, Abrams rocks, with some more polish, he may achieve greatness

* No idea where the 180 Million Dollar Budget went. Frankly, it all seemed kinda TVish to me in some segments, while the others couldn't have possibly cost more than a few million bucks to make (the bridge sequence might have cost additional 10), but i've seen less expensive "tightwadish" budgets (15 millions max) getting pushed to about the same levels...

* Cruise was just that Cruise... nothing Al Pacino, De Niro or Brando quality, but pretty good for a paint-by-the-numbers high-octane romp, which is worth the price of admission alone (for me at least).

* First one is still the best.
I find my thoughts on MI:3 really mixed...I hate half of it, I love the other half.

I have to agree that the Motion Blur and Camera Shake were utterly painful to sit through. Pathetic, even. Imagine taking a picture, holding it 4cm from your eyes and then waving it about like a madman and try to focus on it...Now multiply that movement by 10, perhaps 20 fold and you're coming close to how annoying it was in MI:3. Also, I found that in all the action scenes, bullet whiz/impact sounds were far to loud and foreground focused. Music...Definitely Lost inspired, same music producer so, that's to be expected. Still good music, of course, but not entirely IMF material :)

The action scenes however were downright awesome. That bridge scene was just stunning, complete with totally realistic explosions, and great visual effects. The bit that was also in the trailer, where the van gets blown up and Cruise gets smashed against a car was really well done, I can see why they pimped it in the trailers so much...it was realistic. The shellshock he showed just after it also added to the feeling.

I have, as anyone would, a few niggles with some things.. :p For instance, Cruise is able to run non-stop, beat up guys, get blown up, kicked, punched, and more for 3 days solid showing no signs of tiring or anything. Now, I don't care who you are or what circumstances you're in, after 3 days or going through hell, you start to have trouble keeping things together...Though I suspect that would be expecting too much from a $180mil film directed by detail-whore JJ :) And no phone signal in an open street in the middle of Shanghai? ahahahah, yeah right. The acting from everyone bar Cruise was superb too, I especially loved that scene at the Vatican where Cruise and (?) whats-his-name create the traffic incident, I found that to be one of the only humorous scenes in the movie, and a good one at that.

I'd have to say overall it was a great Mission Impossible, but still vastly insuperior to MI:1. (I don't count 2 because that was just....ugh, *vomits*). I give it 6/10. I very much liked it, and will most likely get this on DVD.
It's great for an action movie. Story-wise, quite decent. The ending, which I don't like, is a typical hollywood action movie, nothing surprising there.

What I don't like compared to the original Mission Impossible tv series is that this movie focuses too much on Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise), There's not much team work there. Ethan does almost all of the actions, stunts and shootings in the missions.
Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
AFAICT it's been getting mixed reviews. One was a review that said the best thing about the film is "Tom Cruise gets electrocuted".

Rotten Tomatoes for those who want it
It'd be fair turnabout for what he did to Oprah. ;)
After Cruise's recent insanity, I'm not sure if I could stand to watch him on the big screen, for the time being. At least, I don't know if I could stand to watch him on the big screen knowing I'd paid $6.50 to do so.